The dance

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Pov Hope: 

"Hope Andrea Mikaelson.." 

"What?" I look up at Lizzie confused. "It's offical. I remember everything. When I woke up from that spell Josie blasted me with, you popped up in my messed up brain like an acid flashback." 

"How? You are literally the only person on the planet who knows that I exist." I go to hug her but she puts her hands in front of me. "Epic former frenemy reunion is gonna have to wait. We have bigger drama and i'm not talking about the fact my girlfriend used to be in love with you." That one stung a little, did she really have to rub it in my face that she's got my girl now. "Josie and Landon are having sex tonight."


"There's a decade dance."

"Okay, well, that doesn't mean..." She rudely cuts me off. "She asked me to find an excuse to stay with my dad and Alexia... You have to stop it. Speak your truth. Spill your beans, tell your tale."

"Why do you even want me to stop them, I've got nothing to do with this?"

"Oh, but you do. Lets be honest Landon is only with Josie because he doesn't remember his feelings for you, he was never good at hiding it." She must have it all wrong, he moved on. I would never like Landon that way, I wouldn't ever want anyone that isn't Alexia. 

Behind me the malivore mud starts gurgling. "Uhg, not a good time." A woman comes out of it coughing as she dusts herself off. "Who the hell are you?" I ask and she stands up straight. "I'm the keeper." She tells us laughing. I look to Lizzie and she also seems to have no idea what she's on about. "Ah, this is gonna be a lot easier than I thought."

She holds up her wrist which has some sort of weird bracelet on it. "Welcome to the game." There's a weird sounds and she just disappeared. "Well, that was.. anticlimactic."

"We have to get to the school to protect them."

We both walk onto the street when there comes a car at us and everything went black for a minute. We both sit up being back in the town square. "What just happened?"

"I think the game just started."

I get up and hold out my hand to her which she accepts and I help her up. "Okay so lets try this again." I say as we stand in front of the road. "So, since we're trapped here, are we ever gonna talk about how you came back from malivore and decided not to tell any of us?"

"Sorry i'm a little busy keeping us from being roadkill."

Pov Alexia: 

I was just reading my book in peace when Landon came running to me. "Ale, Ale I need your advice." He says as he starts pacing in front of me. 

I put down my book focusing on him. "Are you okay? Did that sword hurt your brain or something?" I can't stand seeing him pace anymore so I point to the empty chair next to me. "For my sanity, please sit down." He looks at the chair for a second before he sits down. "Spill your guts brother." 

"How did you know you were ready?"

"Ready for what?"

"Oh, you know."

I know he took a sword yesterday but come on i'm not a mind reader. "No I don't know, be a bit more specific." He's being weird and I know that's his whole personality but this is a different type of weird. He's fidgeting with his hands, he does that sometimes when he's extremely nervous. "How did you know you we're ready to have you know?"

I burst out laughing, is he serious. "It's not a big deal to just say sex Lan." As I was laughing I notice him fidgeting more so I grab his hand to stop him. "Is this because you and Josie are getting serious?" He nods his head answering me. "Why'd you come ask me?" I'm confused cause we haven't exactly been talking much since our big fight. "Well you know, I thought you'd know... since you've done it already."

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