Just another one of those days

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Pov Alexia: 

Just another day at the Salvatore school where Landon is giving a tour to Sebastian, who we don't even know is allowed to stay. And Hope she is offically back, she moved into alyssa chang's room as I friendly asked Alaric to not move her back in with me. I needed some time and living in the same room would have been the opposite of getting time. Josie is ignoring Hope and Lizzie is Ignoring me, But other than those things I consider it to be a pretty normal day. 

I was just in my room when I noticed a loose wooden floorboard in the floor next to the empty bed. I don't know how i've never noticed that before, but it was strange. My curiosity got the best of me and I went to take it off to see if there was anything underneath it. And before you call me crazy I know my sister used to hide things this way around our house. 

When I take out the floorboard I see a wooden box. I took it out to open it and inside were things I didn't expect. It's my camera, the one I thought was gone, what's it doing here? And all of a sudden it all hits me, Hope took it. She must've hiden it when she got ride of all of her stuff. 

I took out the camera and underneath it were photo's, photo's of her and me. They used to be hanging around the room, that's when the room still felt like ours... Now it's just cold and empty. I guess she couldn't keep a lot as there's only a few left. 

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