My Alexia

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Pov Sophia:

"Where you running off to so early?" I ask my sister, who seems to be in a hurry to get out of here. "I don't have time for this, Soph." I scoff, I mean what could she possible be doing that is soo important. "Are you meeting someone? Is it that redhead?" Her eyes widen as she realised I knew something, probably something she didn't want me to know. "Who Hope? No, why would I be seeing Hope?"

"Don't act dumb sister, I saw the two of you together yesterday. Is this something that should concern Lizzie?" I was going to continue until she put her hand over my mouth, shutting me up. "Keep quiet... No it's not like that, at all. I like Lizzie, you know that."

"Than what were you doing with Hope?" I ask not understanding what i'm missing here. "You weren't supposed to know this, but we got attacked yesterday. A werewolf eating monster was on campus and she kinda saved our lives, so I was thanking her."

"that doesn't explain where you're off to now, are you meeting her?" 

"God, no... Soph you're so annoying. I'm meeting dr.saltzman And the rest is none of your business." I got the hint to leave it alone, knowing she won't give me any more anyway. She leaves to go wherever she's off to. I guess if she's keeping secrets i'll just have to get it out of someone else, I mean if it's about dr.saltzman than Lizzie must know about it too. 

"Knock knock Elizabeth, open up." I say as I knock on her door. "What's up?" She says as Josie is stood behind her braiding her hair. Just my luck, two in one. "Why is Alexia seeing you guy's dad, that's kinda odd, isn't it?" Josie looked at me confused, I guess she didn't know then. "Well, That is not to me to tell."

"So you do know?"

"Why would I tell you, who knows what you'll do with that information." I see how it is, she doesn't trust me. I know, I know, in the past I would have used it against her at a certain point but that's not what i'm aiming for here. "I don't do that stuff anymore, me and Ale are on civil turns."

"Look Lizzie, as much as I hate to admit it a part of me does care for my sister." Over the break Alexia has done a lot to try and make up for everything that has happened in our lives. A little part of me forgave her and maybe even started caring for her, of course I won't let her know that. "This stays between the three of us. Alexia can't know I told you guys, she'll feel betrayed."

"She's seeing our dad because she needs someone to talk to."



"Talk about what?"

"About herself, her problems and much more." Ah that talk. I can imagine it being about something very private if she's keeping it a secret. I can't say I expected this from her, she's never been much of a talker. "What kind of problems?" I ask trying to dig deeper but she shakes her head. "Can't tell you. All that matters is that she's getting the help she needs and she's going to get better."

"Thanks for telling me, take care of her." 


pov Alexia:

I have been sitting in dr.saltzman's office for about ten minutes, staring out the window thinking of what to say. I simply didn't know where to start, i've got so many things on my mind lately. "Alexia, you came here to talk but you've been quiet for ten minutes now. What's going on?" 

"I, I just don't know where to even start." 

"Try the beginning. When you experienced it for the first time." 

"My whole life, I have had a hard time controlling my anger. I have been lashing out at people recently and I don't mean to it just happens. I swear beginning this year I was doing really well, but now everything seems to have changed." I start telling him and everything hits me, so much did happen. 

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