The devil has arrived

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Alexia pov: 

I woke up to Hope whimpering. "Hope, Wake up, love." I try to shake her awake but that only seemed to make it worse. "Hope, wake up." I try again, this time she screams using her magic in the process, making me fly across the room. I groan in pain as I just fell on one of her paintings, also covering me in paint which kinda sucks the most. "Oh my god, Ale. Are you okay?" she gasps out. "I'll live, but remind me not to ever piss you off. If that's what you do in your sleep than I don't want to know what you can do awake."

"What happened?" She asks me looking around confused. "You were having a nightmare. Then you screamed sending me right into that beauty." I say pointing to the painting on the ground next to me. "I'm so sorry, Ale." I get up from the ground feeling a slight pain in my shoulder but ignore it. "It's all good, see. I'm more worried if you're okay." I say going to sit on the bed in front of her. "I'm fine, really." She says and I know part of her is lying but I don't want to make it worse by saying anything about it. "Promise you'll come to me if anything does feel off?" I hold out my pinky and wait for her to connect hers. "I promise." She connects her pinky to mine and we both give it a kiss. 

"I do believe you have some training soon, so you should get ready for that." I say kissing her before getting up. "And I should get all this paint off before dr.saltzman is gonna realize we're organizing that miss mystic falls thingy." She laughs as she watches me pick out some clean clothes. "Get out off bed you lazy." 

Pov Hope:

We were just setting things up for miss mystic falls when dr.saltzman came up to me and Alexia. "Hey girls, so I might have sort of forgotten about this whole thing, is there any chance you girls can welcome the new student." He looks at us very hopeful. "Sure, what do we need to do? Like a tour?" I ask him. "Where is this new student?" Alexia

 aks but seconds after her face fell. I turn around to see what she's looking at and there's this girl, I guess she's the new student. Do they know eachother. "Oh hell no." She says looking at the girl. "Why so moody, Ale." The girls says, so they do know eachother. "I'm sorry, I can't" Alexia says before she walks away. I turn around to go after her but Alaric stops me. "Hope, she'll be fine. the tour, please." I look back at Alexia who made it out the door. "My name is Hope, i'll be your tour guide today." I introduce myself to the new girl. "Sophia" She introduces herself.  "Follow me Sophia." I lead the way to through the school with only one thing on my mind, Alexia. 

"What's the deal with you and Alexia, do you know eachother?" I ask the question that has been on my mind from the beginning of this tour. "You could say Alexia doesn't really like me. Hope you may think you know Alexia, but you don't." I scoff turning to her. "I think I do, I'd say I know my own girlfriend." the new girl starts to laugh. "Oh honey, you don't know the first thing about her. You should watch out with her, she's a true liar." 

"And what are you to her, cause you certainly don't sound like a friend?" I ask her not being inpressed by her words about Alexia. "I'm her dearest sister." She's the sister i've not heard one good thing about, great. "I trust Alexia." 

"You're gonna trust some addict, who lies for a living?" I know this is wrong but a part of me wants to know more. I do trust Ale but wouldn't anyone like to know more about their girlfriend. "Ale is not an addict and she certainly does not lie, not to me." I say but she doesn't seem impressed by this. "Last time I checked she was getting her hands on every drug she could get and took any chance she had to drink, it's a wonder she's still alive if you ask me. I bet she even told you her name is Alexia Kirby, she's so fucked up in her head." I cut her off having had enough of this. "Stop, don't talk about her like that. She's your sister how could you even begin to speak so badly about her?" 

unexpected love | Hope mikaelsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang