A mummy

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Pov Alexia: 

So this day is a nightmare, i'm sitting in between Hope and satan herself. Not one minute into this road trip have they been civil or quiet for that matter. I wish I never agreed with Josie on switching places, but the poor girl gets car sick. She's sitting in the back with Dorien and Emma, even there Lizzie is still dragging her into conversations even if she's listening to music. Did I already mention how annoying Lizzie is, she keeps talking and talking. I guess one good thing is that Hope brought sandwiches, cause I was starving. 

"Punch buggy, no returns." Lizzie punches my arm once again. Luckily this is only like the thirtieth time she's done that. "If you punch me one more time I swear i'm going to ruin that ugly face of yours." I told myself I would try and be a little bit nicer to her today, but she's making it really hard. If she wants to be mean and annoying to us, i'm gonna be mean back. "I'd rather be ugly than useless." I scoff at this. "I may be useless as you say, but at least i'm not a complete bitch to everyone." I could tell she was ready to fire back when she was cut off by Josie throwing up. "OH, lord! In the bag, sweetheart."

Another horrible... I don't even know how long it's been but I just want to get out.  "Are we there yet?" Lizzie asks for god knows how manied time now. "Yesss!" Dr.saltzman slams on the brakes and we're finally let out of this stupid van of his. "Finally I feel like I can breath something else other than satan."


Hope and Lizzie go back and forth arguing about some fire that happened back when they were little. "This is plaguey, right? It seems plaguey." Hope says and we all look up to some dark cloud that is coming our way. The closer it gets the less it looks like a cloud. People around us are screaming and running which makes me think why we're still standing here. " I don't know about you guys, but i'm gonna run with them." I say and as expected they followed right behind me, going into some store. 

Not even ten second after we entered the store it seemed like the problem was already gone. They all died seconds after they hit the window. "That was one big monster." I say laughing at what just happened. "This way." Hope points as we walk outside again. "Does this way take us past the fire station?" 

"For the last time, I didn't start that fire, and i've never ruined a spring break." And there we go again. All these two do is argue about whether she did or did not set a fire. "Because a princess like you is soo scared of some fire, right? It just absolutely left you traumatized it seems." I look to Hope and put my hand on her shoulder. "love, maybe you should apologize. Otherwise she might not be able to sleep tonight." I finally let out what i've been holding in for a while now, earning an expected glare from Lizzie. 

It only took her seconds to get right back at it when we walk right into the path of.... medical attention I guess it is. When we got at the medical place we got back with the others. "You together?" On eof the medical lady's asked dr.saltzman. "Yeah, you know, we just came in from Roanoke to see that giant ball of yarn you guys have." The lady didn't seem very impressed by his story. "And these are?" She asked looking between us. "This is my wife.." He puts his arm around Emma and she laughs. "These are my daughters, from my first marriage." He says pointing to the three girls, Josie gives the lady a little wave. 

"And, uh, Kaleb here is, uh.." Dr.saltzman went silent thinking about what to say when Josie spoke up. "My boyfriend." The Lady then looked towards me. "And her."  He looks back at me and starts again. "Uh, she's.. Uh." He went silent once again.

"My girlfriend."

"My girlfriend." 

Hope and Lizzie both said at the same time making my eyes widen. "Hah, you know why take one if you can have two." I give her an awkward smile and she let's us through. I see Hope and dr.saltzman walk away to talk privatly so I take this as my chance to make the most of this situation. I sit between the twins and turn around towards Lizzie who seems rather quiet at the moment. "Princess, you'd wish I was your girlfriend. Sadly for you that will never happen." I whisper in her ear before going to talk to Josie. 

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