Cummins X Avert

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[Info- 'Eiden Avert' is fictional character for personal use only. I made the character as 'Cricket Australia Board Manager'.
Just wanted to write 'Player X Manager' story ^^]


6 years running

Cummins is worried about how things are going to be turned or fixed. Aus tour of Eng for One Days starts... nothing has changed for whole. He is nervous, broken, hurt, detached, depressed.. he doesn't know how fast the 6 years have been passed! He couldn't even try a step. He thought maybe 2018 or 2019 would be perfect but some effects of profession on CA didn't let him. He is totally lost... His imagination turns to a great impetuous Mentally what keeping him down again and again. He is sure about things that are coming closer, didn't wish but wouldn't feel Hesitate to Accept.


- 15 Minutes in my Room after Meeting.

- Okay Sir [Guiltily]

- So everyone, that's all I wanted to say today. And last word is, Must Remember the new regulations added in CA's official provisions. Cz all you'll be asking for is- Consideration.

- [Everyone] Sure Sir.

- Okay then. That's all for now. Good evening and Stay well. Thank you.

Pat Cummins hasn't attended CA's Official previous Meeting, he even didn't mention his reason. Matter is, he actually has no reason. As a Captain of Cricket Australia, he was more important in that meeting, but he missed by his wish maybe. Eiden Avert, the Chief Manager of CA, wanted to talk with him personally...

- May I come in, Sir?

- Yes. [Turns on the Countdown timer and fix '15 Minutes'] Have a seat.

- Thank you Sir.

- Coffee or Tea?

- No. Thanks, I'm fine Sir.

- I don't Love drinking ALONE. I asked COFFEE or TEA? [Pointed wildly directly at his eyes]

- Ah-I. [Hesitate] C-Coffee.

- [While looking] Fine.
[Then he asked for two Coffee's] So, do I need to ask any question or are you gonna say by yourself?

- Let me Sir. Actually It's my fault totally I know. But I, I mean I was s-sick! [He lied]

- Sick? [The Coffee arrived] Thank you [Said to the Assistant]

- Yes, I had fever.

- I see. [While Sipping the Coffee] I can exactly notice how your fever gone betraying you, so Quickly, Cummins [Pinged]

- Ah! I-I..

- Don't you dare to teach me HOW TO GIVE EXCUSES. Matter is, I have no time. So, if you told me the EXACT REASON I would have considered.

- Si-

- But you didn't!

- J-Just listen-

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