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I've never, ever been so fucking worried about someone. Why the hell did she take off like that? She left me nothing, no note, no text not even a call.

This whole experience is going to be a first for me, she's at a bar in the middle of the city. Which is so good for me right now. I've never had to pick someone up because they were so drunk they couldn't get home. It's normally been the other way around.

I'm not annoyed at her for drinking, I get it. Sometimes you just need to, I didn't make earlier any easier for her either. I guarantee that really help her out a lot. I'm not making this easy for her, I know that. I'm not actively trying to make it difficult either. There is just things with my dad that she doesn't need to know about. Safe to say he isn't very happy about my current marital status.

He says my mom was distraught she wasn't invited to her only kids wedding.

I only ever feel bad for her, I don't care what he thinks. I never will.

I'm here at the bar, is so fucking loud and I'm only stood outside. I don't have a clue who she's with or if she's still here. She could've left in the time it took me to drive over here. I could check but I'm not wasting any time to get her out of there.

I can smell the alcohol almost immediately, I have to admit it's really fucking tempting to go over there and order something for myself. I need to focus on finding her, drinking will not help right now.

I mean it'll definitely help the nerves.

I drag myself away from the bar, honestly it was a lot easier to do. Somehow. Which is weird to especially since I've been craving it for days. I think I still am. I'm distracted, and I wish I was distracted by something, anything else.

This is classed as a bar but honestly the music fucking blasting in my ears is telling me otherwise. Maybe I'm just really fucking sensitive right now.

I scan the room quickly, looking for her. She's not here, on this floor at least. I may just be telling myself that so I don't stress myself out.

"Aiden! Thank God." The minute I turn my back to turn up the stairs she's immediately next to me. I swear I looked all over this room, where the fuck was she.

"Why are you here?" I turn to face her, gripping her shoulders lightly, "you scared the living shit out of me!"

"I needed a drink?" She shrugs, patting my shoulder and starts to walk towards the door. Trust me I have a lot to say, but she won't listen. She's fully out of it, she will not remember anything I say to her in the morning. I won't be able to talk to her in the morning. I'll be on a plane to an away game, I can't remember where.

I follow after her, opening the car door for her to make sure she doesn't walk away.

I get into the car myself and breathe deeply as I sit down. "Are you annoyed at me, Aiden?"

"No." I answer her honestly, not making eye contact with her.

"Okay." She relaxes against the seat, yawning and closing her eyes. I really don't want her to go to sleep, not now. I'll have to carry her inside, I'm not saying I can't. I fucking know I could easily. I just know how I'll feel doing it.

For some reason I don't stop her, I let her sleep. I'm really going to hate myself when I get home.


I pull up to the front of my house, she's still asleep. She's barely moved I do think at one point I was genuinely concerned that she was dead. Dark, I know. I won't lie and say I didn't check.

I get out the car and walk around to her side, opening the door and unfastening her seat belt. Here goes nothing. I wraps my arms around her tightly, carrying her bridal-style into the house. She's like not moving or reacting at all, normally I'd be concerned. Given the circumstances, which I believe to be that she's drank her weight in alcohol. I get it, she's fucking wasted and has no chance waking up right now.

I'll enjoy laughing at her when she's hungover.

I open the door to her room, placing her on her bed, pulling her blanket over her. I feel bad that she's sleeping in all her clothes, I'm definitely not changing her. I do take off her shoes though, that is uncomfortable. Talking from experience here.

"Aiden, don't go." She croaks out, she reaches out and grabs my hand, her eyes aren't open, I doubt she's even aware of what she's doing right now.

"You need to sleep, love." I remind her.

"I will eventually, lay next to me, please." She's definitely not aware, I'm definitely going to take the piss out of her whenever she's sober again. Reluctantly, I sit on her bed next to her. I'm going to my room the minute she falls asleep.

She rolls over to face me, well she's not actually looking at me. Her eyes are still sealed shut, like she's sleep-talking. Again, I am certain she doesn't have a clue of anything right now. I hope she realises she has work in eight hours and doesn't get to not work anymore because we're married.

"I'm glad you're here." She whispers, resting her head on my leg. Fuck. What the hell am I supposed to do now!


"Please don't move my head, you have a comfy leg." I'm guessing that's supposed to be a compliment? I'm not sure, I don't happen to hear many of them. If it is a compliment it's a half-assed one, it just means I have a fatty leg. When I definitely do not.

My issue is now, I cannot move. I can when she falls asleep, but I have to wait until she's fully asleep now, not drifting off.

"I wish you'd let me touch you." She mutters, pulling her blanket further over her. I really don't know what to say to her, if I don't I'll look like an ass, surely? 

It doesn't matter she's too drunk anyways, like I said she won't remember anything, and I'm more then happy to forget.

"I've told you how I feel, love." I respond quietly, tucking her hair behind her ear. So much for not touching her, you dick.

"I know," She nods, "I hope you know I don't feel the same way, I really wish you'd touch me."

"Really." I ask her, now just through pure curiosity.

"Yes." She answers. I want to get more out of her, I don't know why. She doesn't mean a word she's saying, maybe I want her too. Maybe it's killing me that I can't and won't touch her like I want to.

But then you have to think about one thing. Drunk words are sober thoughts.

And maybe, I just want that to be true, just this one time.

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