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Unfortunately for me Aiden had to talk to someone, after us being a little bit unprofessional earlier he'd missed some important details. Supposedly. "Excuse me." I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around. Weirdly she's my age, if not younger. God who is she here with?

"Hi, can I help you?"

She moves closer, whispering to me. "Yes, actually. I'm here with my husband, I don't feel safe. Do you mind pretending to be a friend if he asks?" She's married? I'm 25 and I feel too young, she looks significantly younger then I am.

"How old are you?"

"19." She admits, looking really embarrassed. "I know it's young, I didn't have a choice."

"You don't have to explain anything to me, now. I've got you, okay." I try to reassure her like Aiden does to me, I don't really know if it works.

"Adora! Come here." I recognise him, I don't think I've ever had a conversation with him. Maybe Aiden has spoken to him before. He looks like the kind of guy who would go after a nineteen-year-old girl.

I think he notices I'm with her and his tone and expression changes. "Oh, Mrs Bennett. Nice to see you." He reaches out for my hand, I shake it reluctantly. "You know who this is don't you, Adora?"

"We've been friends for a while." She says, stepping closer to me unconsciously. He stops her before she can continue, "You didn't tell me this, you're friends with Aiden's wife?" She nods, resting her head on my shoulder.

I wrap my arm around her shoulder, rubbing the top of her arm. I feel so fucking bad for her, he clearly doesn't love her. He's fully using her because she's young.

"Do you mind if we catch up? I'll take her back over to you when we're done." I offer, I feel her relax.

He turns to walk away but stops. "Go ahead, actually one last thing. Do you know where your husband is?" He asks.

"No, sorry." I shake my head, desperate to get her alone. If she's actually in danger I'm definitely getting her away. I did it myself, I can guarantee I can help her get safe. "I'll find him." He mutters, with a threatening tone. What the fuck?

I wait for him to walk away before turning us in the other direction. "I'll take you somewhere quiet."

She stops us from walking, turning to face me. She looks like she's about to start crying. "I'll tell you everything, please get me away from him, please."

"Trust me, if you are in danger I will get you away." I tell her and she nods. I lead us both into the downstairs bathroom. "Talk to me, I'll listen."

"He's been abusing me, verbally at first. He started hitting me two weeks ago, he claims he does it because I don't want a kid." She covers her face with her hands, her eyes are watering, she's not crying but she's close.

"You're nineteen, he's crazy." I tell her, shock evident in my voice.

"I know, I need help." I shake my head, sighing. "Adora, I was in the exact same position before I met Aiden. I will get you out, I will try do it now. Just follow me, okay?" I offer and she nods. I open the bathroom door and we walk out straight into the back garden.

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