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"Took you a while, you're a really heavy sleeper." Aiden rolls his eyes, getting up off the couch in my room. How long was he in here? "We were up late." 

"Yeah, sorry about that." We snuck away from the house last night, after we went outside we just went for a walk in the forest surrounding his house. We both needed time away and I'm glad we did it was really relaxing.

"We both wanted to do it, I guess." I shrug, I reach for my phone on my nightstand. When I don't feel it I look in that direction. Greeted by a bouquet of tulips. "What are these for?" I smile happily, taking the flowers in my hands.

"A present for a calling my dad an asshole." He smiles at me, I laugh quietly. It was fucking worth it, I loved doing it. "I got a very angry phone call this morning from dear old dad actually. He was very annoyed that you stuck up for me or some shit I wasn't listening."

"Yeah, he was being a prick. He was talking bad about you and I couldn't help myself. It wasn't fair, you weren't there to defend yourself. I wasn't going to let him talk bad about you."

"I appreciate it." 

"You do? I didn't want to make a bad first impression." I say sarcastically.

Aiden snickers. "My dad has never been good at first impressions. Also I saw how he looked at you while we were walking away."

"Don't say that." I groan.

"I don't want to." He shrugs, throwing my hoodie at me. "It grosses me out, it's fucking disgusting."

"I don't know how you're his son, I mean for one you're gorgeous, he's fucking ugly as shit." Wait what? What the fuck was that? I want to regret it so bad but I mean it, why'd I say it out loud? "Did you actually mean to say that?"

"Yes." I answer quickly. His cheeks go red and I could've missed it. But it was adorable. "Thank you, love." Now it's awkward, you fucking idiot, Gi.

"I'm sorry to change the subject but what's up with you and your dad. I know I'm pushing but I can't help it. Let me hate him more then I already do." I notice him tense up, so I get up to calm him down. I want to hug him, so that's what I'm going to do.

I get closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, resting my head against his chest. "It's okay, if you don't want to. I just want to understand you better." I tell him softly, his arms slowly wrap around my waist, that's all I needed and I think he needed it too.

"I promised you I'd talk about it so I will." He whispers, his head resting on my shoulder.

"I'll listen, I promise I'm a good listener." I pull away slightly, pushing his hair out of his face, his eyes are watering up. If he starts crying I'm going to feel really bad. He smiles, he almost starts laughing. "I know you are." I take his hand gently and lead him to the couch.

"It's a lot, I'm guessing you know that."

"I didn't at first, but watching your interactions with him, I pieced together my own assumptions." 

"Okay, you tell me what you think has happened, I'll confirm or deny."

"Shit, okay. I think it's pretty obvious that he's abusing your mom, like not beating her up or anything but what he's doing to her is abuse." I've thought about it, he's abusing his wife by denying her food. She must be unwell. I notice his breath hitching slightly, "Yes and no." He says bluntly, "Yes what he's doing is abuse, I've known for years. But he is beating her, love."

"Aiden, I'm so sorry." I shake my head in disbelief, holding his hand in mine. "He used to do it to me too, when I was younger, he stopped when I got older. He realised I was getting stronger and I could fight him off. And I did, I was high. I don't remember what I had taken that day but I had gone to his house and I beat the shit out of him." He pauses, breathing in and out.

"It's okay." I try to reassure him, "can I hug you?" I ask him and he nods. I move closer to him, wrapping my arms around his waist. Letting him rest his head on mine.

"I beat my dad, when I got there he was abusing my mom. I can't remember how, she was crying when I walked in. I don't think I helped her, I liked to think I did. Because she told me he didn't touch her for a week. But she wouldn't look at me at all that day."

"She looked so disappointed in me, love." He chokes out, tears pooling in his eyes. 

"Aiden, no. She wasn't disappointed, she was clearly going through a lot that day. I mean if your dad was beating her Aiden, she wasn't going to act normal." I pull away slightly, wiping any loose tears away from under his eyes with my thumbs.

"It was different."

"Aiden, you were standing up for her. You were overwhelmed at the time, she was probably processing what happened. But it was a good thing, no? He didn't touch her." I keep my hands on his face, wiping any loose tears.

"I want him to stop, so badly. I don't know what I can do." He sighs, his hands shaking again. I hold his hands, trying to stop them from shaking. "Aiden, your mom clearly adores you, she trust you. Okay? I promise you, we will get her out of that together. I refuse to let her stay there, I'll sneak her out if I have to. God I'd let her stay at my apartment so she's safe."

"You'd do that?"

I look at him sympathetically, "Of course I would, its hurting you. I care so much for you, I hate seeing you like this. And you mom, I hate that she goes through that. She's lovely, I don't want her with him."

He takes his hands from mine and cups my face, he's still crying but if he wants to touch me, I'll let him. "Thank you." He whispers, then he kisses me. Using his hands to pull my face closer. He's vulnerable and I feel really bad for him, I don't want him to get carried away. I kiss him back though, my hand resting on the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry, I just needed to do that."

"It's okay." I smile at him, resting my forehead against his. He breathes in deeply, closing his eyes. He's calmer now, his hands aren't shaking anymore. That's enough for me. I know he probably doesn't mean it. 

Some parts of me kind of wish he did, I wish he wanted to do that. I wish we could just be normal.

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