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Whatever I said, Aiden is loving taking the piss out of me for. I don't remember a thing, all I know is that I drank and I drank a lot. This headache is the only reward I got from doing it. I remember going to the bar, I don't remember leaving or having Aiden pick me up. The texts from very late last night were a pure reminder on how drunk I actually was.

He won't tell me exactly what I said and that is what's worrying me. I genuinely think I called him hot or something. I'd never fucking live it down. I mean at the way this is going that is looking likely.

Please, for the love of God. Please do not tell me I called him hot. He's still my boss.

Also to make things worse for myself I was late today, I'm never late. I'm already dreading seeing the people I work with. I want to prove that I'm not getting benefits by 'sleeping with the boss' when I'm actually not. How did I prove that today? By being fucking late.

It's really helping my case, honestly though, I doubt anyone actually cares. This office just gives me that impression. Aiden is all over the place, he's becoming more unpredictable, this just makes sense.

I feel my phone vibrate in my bag, I pull it out to be greeted with yet another text message from my dear husband.

Aiden: I had to carry you inside! You fell asleep in the car, the minute you touched the seat!

Gianna: Really, really not helping right now.

Aiden: I'm not there and someone has to say something about you being late to work, take this as my way of punishing you for being late.

Gianna: And the massive pile of work I have to do? That's not my punishment?

Aiden: Of course not, if you get bored you always know where to find more.

Gianna: Trust me, if I get bored I'll order myself food.

Aiden: Fast food is great for hangovers.

Gianna: Shut up! I have work to do.

Aiden: Only because you asked so nicely.

All morning! All fucking morning I've had to deal with this shit. I fear that this work I have to do will not cure my hangover. I could really use some pizza right now. I'd order it, I want to so badly. However, it's only nine in the morning and I can't think of a fast food place open this early.

Aiden: One last thing! I ordered you something, it'll be at home when you get home.

Gianna: You ordered me something?

The asshole left me on read. I guess he meant it when he said one last thing, I really didn't think he meant that literally. 

I work my way through most of the stuff I had to do today without throwing up into the trash can in my office. That on it's own was an accomplishment. Aiden literally hasn't called or text me again today, I really didn't think he meant his last text literally.

I'm on my way back to Aiden's house now, I don't have it in me to call it my home, when I know deep down it's not. I have no attachment to that house, I say that now but I've been living in it for less then a day. The house itself is stunning, I'd love to live there forever.

Aiden has good taste, what can I say? That also goes for clothes, he dresses immaculately. I honestly want him to shop for me, maybe he'd dress me better then I could myself. I don't mean physically. Aesthetically I can almost guarantee he could dress me better.

He's like my own Aaron Warner, just without the murder. Okay now I'm really getting off track, I've just been thinking about what he's had delivered to the house. I won't lie and say it's not worrying me, I don't have a clue what it could be.

I pull into the driveway and head straight to the door, I'm so fucking desperate to know what this is. It's been left on the step before the door, it says a lot about the area, where I live you'd never see this. You wouldn't see the parcel either after five minutes.

I unlock the door, carrying both packages to the living room, placing them and myself on the couch.

Aiden: Facetime me, I want to see your reaction.

Gianna: I swear to God, Aiden. If this is like a glitterbomb or something I'm going to kill you.

Aiden: A glitterbomb in my own house? Are you kidding?

Gianna: Yeah, it seems a little stupid now.

Aiden: Call me.

I call him, standing my phone up against the vase that I brought with me that is now resting on the coffee table. He answers almost immediately, like he's as excited as I am. Using my key I open the seal on the bags, sliding out smaller bags that were inside the bigger bags.

"I didn't know which colour would suit you best, so I got a couple."

"You bought me clothes." I'm smiling widely, quickly opening the bags. Dream come fucking true. I have so much faith in this, you have no idea.

"Jesus, you sound as happy as I am." I feel myself get warmer as I listen to him talk, if he likes shopping for me I'm definitely not going to stop him. If I end up dressing as nicely as he does I'm not going to complain, ever.

"You have no idea." Theres clothes in one of the bags, in the other theres a few pairs of shoes. Some heels, boots, flats. Literally everything. "How much thought did you put into this?" I ask him, scanning over all the bags as their laid out all over me and the couch. Maybe a few fell on the floor too.

"Depends what your asking? I like buying things for people, I have far too much money I'm never going to use. Plus I like shopping for clothes, it's a no brainer." Clearly, I've hit the fucking jackpot. "I'll admit though, Rose. This is exactly why I told you to save putting your clothes away for another day. Thought I'd treat you a little, you're doing me a huge fucking favour."

"I don't mind, this is a nice favour." 

"A nice favour?" He laughs lightly, "I've never heard of a nice favour."

"Well you're literally paying off every debt I've ever had, then this? Yeah I really do not mind doing you a favour." I'm really fucking happy, so happy. I'm so glad I didn't say no to this.

"When you put it that way I guess that makes sense."

"Thank you Aiden, really." I smile at him, opening some of the smaller bags, to reveal all sorts of different things. I've looked over at him multiple times, the look on his face is so precious. He looks so happy and so light. I don't think I've ever seen him like that, I might even say he looks happier then he did before we went to his lawyers office.

I thought I'd never see him happier then that, but this has changed that. I think it's changed almost everything for me. I cared about him before, but in a completely platonic way.

Now I'm not so sure, I don't think I want this to be platonic anymore. I don't think I could handle it. I want him to touch me and not feel guilty, I want to be his. 

Not just legally.

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