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I want this game to be over as quick as possible, hopefully bring the two points back with us. Being here just reminds me of her, this is the teams she supports. I can almost guarantee she's watching this right now.

I'm trying to stay calm and collected, like a normal person. I'm just angry today, I don't get why. Maybe because I'm back in New York so soon.

I didn't want to be here for another month, the schedule really fucked me on that one. I mean I'm getting points in, hopefully.

That's what I care about, plus getting to the playoffs of course. The team matters more then points, that's been proven to me so many times.

I take a deep breath in and out before stepping onto the ice for the first period. I'm so fucking nervous for this, I need to forget about that though.

Even that sounds easy said then done. I just need to preform well, not worry about points. Which is something I tend to do, selfish I know.

I like scoring, I like the adrenaline you get after doing it. I feel like you okay better after scoring, if you're winning you feel more relaxed. Knowing you can breathe for a minute before focusing fully again.

We all skate to the blue line for the anthem, normally I'd be getting excited by now. Playing hockey has been my dream since I was a kid. Sure I've been doing to for years, but since I got to Toronto last season I've just been excited to play all the time.

I needed my fresh start and I got it, now I don't feel as fresh anymore. I shuffle my feet backwards and forwards waiting for the anthem to end. I just need to start playing then I'll feel better.

I'm on the first line now which is fun in theory, but you're expected by most people to be the best players on the team. Which is a lot of pressure, but I can handle it usually.

I won't be surprised if I end up fighting someone today, who knows I might enjoy doing it.

We get possession almost immediately, heading straight to the offensive end. I'm good for finishing plays, not making them. Well I'm better at scoring then assisting. I can do both though.

I think the first five minutes go by and we're definitely dominating the game. We're passing really well and not getting sloppy. Surprising given my attitude at the beginning of the game.

I jump over the boards to start my next shift, the puck is loose in the neutral zone. I can get that, surely. Breakaway opportunity maybe? I'm definitely doing it, fuck overthinking.

I take the puck against my stick and rush down to the offensive end. I have two defence men behind me, the plan is to go top shelf, fake the shot first though.

It works every fucking time.

It hits the back of the net before I can get think about celebrating. It happened so quickly but what a fucking goal that was, absolutely beauty.

I rest my back against the boards, letting my teammates surround me. I'll admit the banging on the glass feels so weird, I don't usually go this close to the glass.

I turn to look at the crowd behind me, she's here she's at the fucking game. Right at the glass, how the fuck did I not notice before.

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