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Mature content warning


"I still think this is pointless, you know?" I sigh, purposefully dragging out our walk to the front door of his partners house. "The feeling is definitely mutual, I don't plan on spending to much time here."

"Good, let's get this over and done with, please?" I ask him, he pushes open the door, nodding just enough so I can see it. My plan is to not leave his side all evening, I do not plan on talking to anyone alone. Aiden is definitely more protective of me now, he wouldn't leave someone alone with me anymore. Especially if they look at me funny like they did last time.

Also if I hear something about me looking pregnant again I won't be happy.

"Do you just plan on sticking yourself next to me all evening." He asks sarcastically, like he doesn't know my answer already. "Definitely." I look over into the main room and notice that a hockey game is on, it doesn't look like a recent one because I've definitely watched that one.

"Isn't that your team?" I gesture to the large tv on the wall, people are gathered around it. I think they aren't hockey fans and don't know that the game they are watching happened two weeks ago.

"Yeah, old one though? That's weird."

"Everything about these sort of things are weird, I'm definitely adding that to my list though." I scoff, making a mental note in my head.

"Hold on, you have a list?"

"Yes! It's in my top drawer, have you not seen it?" I tilt my head in confusion. He shakes his head. "I don't go through your stuff." I smile at his response, I didn't think he would. It's just something I expect. I don't go through his stuff, Callum did it to me all the time.

Fucking asshole.

Aiden makes me realise what things are and aren't actually normal, like going through my stuff. Yelling at each other and other things. 

"That's thoughtful."

"Isn't that just the bare minimum? I trust you I wouldn't just go through your stuff." If that is the bare minimum what about the other things he does for me? Added benefits on an already too good to be true relationship. Probably, sounds like something Aiden would do.

I take his hand in mine and I take us over to a couch near the tv, I like watching him play. I don't go to his games, mainly because I've never asked to go. I'd want to, he'd let me go if I asked.

"Do you watch these?" He asks, sitting me on his lap.

I shrug my shoulders. "Sometimes, I prefer to not watch it when you're beating my home team." That is fully true, he loves winning against my home team, it kind of sucks. But whatever he looks good doing it. "Anyways this is highly unprofessional for a work event." I remind him when I think about how we're sat.

"Nothing about these events are professional until we're sat around the dining table." He's messing with the strap of my dress, running his fingers underneath it, pulling the strap down then back up again. That sort of thing.

"Good to know."

"What are you thinking right now, love." He asks me, not looking at my face, he's still fully focused on the strap still.

"How unprofessional can you be?" I ask him, lowering my voice significantly. I'm surprised he even heard me at all. "Why, what were you thinking?" He's sitting up straight now, his hands on my ass. To say we don't drink were definitely acting like a pair of drunk teenagers.

"Well I heard two women talking about a nice bathroom." That is also true, when we walked in while they were walking down the stairs. "Oh, really?" His face is nuzzling my neck, not kissing it though. I want him to so badly, why the fuck is he teasing me.

"I think I know the way." I climb off him eagerly, grabbing his hand and dragging him off the couch. "You think? That's convincing."

"I've just convinced you to come upstairs with me, no?"

"You did do that, yes." He admits, but I know we're just thinking the exact same thing right now. I lead us both up the stairs, walking towards the left side of the hallway, the side I think the women were coming from.

"Baby there's like a hundred rooms, any of these could be a bathroom." I ignore him, pushing open a few of the doors before opening the door to the bathroom. "I told you I knew where I was going." I say cockily, dragging him inside with me.

He quickly locks the door, before pinning me against it. "I'm glad you suggested this, love. That dress is fucking killing me." He whispers against my neck, sending chills down my spine.

I reach forward, unbuttoning his shirt quickly, pushing it and his coat to the floor. "I want you so bad." He whispers into my ear before kissing my neck. Sucking lightly in my sensitive spots which will definitely now have marks. 

I whimper quietly, this is a big-ass house but the minute someone walks past that door they'll figure out whats going on in here. So I'm staying quiet. He slides the straps of my dress down my shoulders, unzipping it, letting it fall to the floor.

He picks me up, grabbing onto my thighs as the wrap around his waist. He places me down on the counter, my legs still wrapped around his waist. He unclips my bra, throwing it over to where my dress is. 

"Baby, please." I whimper as he kisses my neck, I feel him smirk against it as his fingers slide past the waistline of my panties. "So needy." He whispers, sliding my panties down my legs.

"You make me needy."

"Good to know." He's still smirking and I would love to wipe it straight off his face. I lean forward, unbuckling his belt, tossing it across the room. I unbutton his pants too, he's right I'm fucking needy and I'm not ashamed of it.

I push him closer to me, my hand resting on the back of his neck, gripping onto small amounts of his hair. 

He rubs his finger against my clit teasingly, torturing me more. "Please." I'm not afraid to get on my knees and beg for him, he fucking knows that.

"Be quiet, hm. I don't want anyone else hearing whats mine." He breathes out, somehow his breathing is uneven. I think I've officially melted though, I will happily replay that over in my head. I nod weakly, letting him thrust into me.

I bite his shoulder to keep myself quiet, usually I'd use his hand but no. Since he tortured me I'll bite him, fair is fair.

He grips my hair in his hand, pulling my face closer to his so he can kiss me. I moan into his mouth and he smirks against my lips. I can never last long with him it's not fair.

"Baby.." I start but I'm cut off by a moan. "I know, love. I know." He breathes out, gripping onto my thighs.

He slams into me one last time before I come, he does shortly after. I don't know how we can possibly go out there after that. I'm sure I'm bright red.

"Good girl." He praises, pressing one last kiss to my lips. "How was that for unprofessional, huh?"


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