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- 1 month later -

"Are you sending it in now?" He's been going back and forth between three teams for a month. I know he doesn't want to move, I don't think we'll have to. At first anyways, if he likes it he'll move. We'll move, I will go with him. If he wants me to, of course.

"Do I just do it? What if I regret it?"

"You won't regret it, it'll be good for you." He reaches out for my hand, squeezing it. "You need a fresh start, Aiden. You won't regret it." I tell him, standing up and kissing his forehead. "If it makes you happy, I may finally actually wear a jersey with your name on it."

His eyes widen slightly, that wasn't what he was expecting. But I will now, it won't feel wrong. I'm never going to wear a Ranger's jersey. "Really?"


"I'm going to hold you to that. I'm going to call him now."

"I'll leave you to it." I leave him on the couch, I have work to do anyways. Plus I think he needs to do this on his own. If he genuinely isn't sure anymore I don't want him to do something he doesn't want to do just because I'm there.

Instead I head to the communal area of the office, I'd like to stay in my office but it's an absolute mess. And I'm hungry, so I'll bring us both back some coffee or something.

If we did end up moving, I wouldn't have my job. I've barely had any experience other then this. I'm not someone people look to hire. I'd be fucked. I don't want to lean on Aiden for money, I did that at the start of the agreement, I won't do it again.

After grabbing our drinks and ordering our food I head back to his office. I don't know if he's finished on the call yet, but I'm hoping so.

I push open the door, Aiden is stood in front of the window, his back to the door.

"Aiden? Are you okay."

"Im getting the contract, they are going to take me." He says, a defeated tone in his voice. Isn't that a good thing? Im really confused.

"That's a good thing. No?"

"That is a good thing, I'm really happy about it." He turns to face me and I put our drinks down on the table. "Quinn found out." I feel myself tense up, who the fuck could've told her.

"You're kidding." I breathe out.

He shakes his head. "I wish I was."

He can't go to rehab, he can't. God I hated being apart from him during the season, never mind if he had to go away for a month for rehab. Especially after being sober for two months and all of last month. "Did she say what is going to happen now?"

"No, she's coming here tomorrow."

"It was a one time thing, surely she can understand that. You didn't do anything, you drove home completely fine. There wasn't a scratch on your car."

"I doubt she's going to inspect my car for evidence."

"I know, it was just an example."

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