- Book 2 -

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The first chapter of Unfortunately Yours


"Your total is $32.56, how would you like to pay?" I place the books into the tote bag, smiling at the woman on the other side of the counter.

She hands me four ten dollar bills, returning my smile. I wish I could do that, I wish I could just buy books like that. I guess my money has other things to go towards. I hand her the bag, "Have a good day." I say and she nods and walks out of the store.

I have two jobs, this one which I love to pieces. I love working in a bookstore, I love reading in general which may be made me a good option when picking someone to work in a bookstore.

But, I also work with the Maple Leafs. Which takes up a lot of my time, I'd like to be in Toronto more, specifically here. But I can't do that, since I'm travelling with the team all the time.

I think I got incredibly lucky with getting my position I have. I'm one of the team physicians, I'd like to think my dad being who he isn't didn't have a role to play in that but it definitely did.

My dad played for them for years, they love him. When I say they I mean the organisation and the fans. Slowly he became a fan favourite, I have a few memories of him playing. But they're all rough.

I mean he played till I was 13 which doesn't explain why I can't remember much. I remember his last game, mom was emotional and dad definitely was while he left the ice for the last time.

Maybe that's rough because it was eight years ago. I think they both want my brother to play too, which he isn't opposed to. If anything he wants to, I'm glad they didn't plan out my future like that. I like having my freedom.

Don't get me wrong, my parents are amazing. I love them both to bits. But sometimes I think they loved each other more then us. Especially now, since I moved out their priority is each other again. Which to an extent I understand, they don't have to focus on me anymore. I do like it sometimes, I guess I can't complain too much I'm barely ever home during the season anyways.

I complain about my job sometimes, but the team is great. They really are like a family as cringy as that sounds, it's true. I'm with them over seven months of the year you kind of get used to it. They've been there for two years, I think it'd be weird them just not being there.

"Are you okay?"

I snap out of my daydream and look at the counter before looking at Grayson. "I'm good, thanks for the coffee."

"I thought you looked tired, you know.." He gestures under my eyes, meaning I've got dark circles. Brilliant. "Thanks for reminding me." I groan.

"Do you have to go to the training session, we could just go out for dinner or something." He offers, I can't miss the training. I need to keep an eye on the players, I can't risk not being there in case someone gets injured.

"I'd say yes, but if one of the players get injured I'll feel guilty for not being there." I tell him and he pouts at me, "Baby, if I could I would. You should know that."

He shrugs his shoulders, "it's not like it's a real job anyways."

I think I pull at face at him, I've been doing that a lot lately. "I mean, it is. It's a good opportunity that can and will lead to good jobs in the future."

Legally Yoursजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें