Chapter 8

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I look between Declan and Mara, the lust in both their eyes could light this whole room and all these plants on fire. I can't hold in my laughter anymore and I let it out full belly laughter. Its been so fucking obvious and now I see mystery man that she is always talking about is Declan. His man whore way's getting any girl he wants ever and she is the one he's been hinting at when we are at his moms for family dinner. I wonder if Luci ever saw it I have to ask him. "I have never seen her like that. Holy shit dude did you do something to my sister?" Ryan says being the sneaky fucker he is making the both of us jump. "No, tutoring hasn't even started yet. That's usually the reaction I get whenever she notices that I'm moving closer to her" Declan says. "She has to also feel something because I have never seen her be so afraid and so attracted to someone" Luci says behind us startling us all as I feel his hand glide over my hips pulling me in tight . "Mara is skittish with everything thats going on so I understand but I will see because she definitely isn't even letting us know who the mystery guy is that she always talks about. Like um how rude we are her friends and she didn't even tell us!" I say as I feel Luci draw me in close and smell the back of my neck. "You two need to get a room" Declan scoffs and Luci laughs. "How about instead of staring at her like a creep go talk to her. She's harmless" Ryan says as Luci and I laugh a little. "We both know she may be quiet but she has a fire to her that no one has been able to tame" Luci whispers in my ear my breath catching as his breath brushes my skin. "Oh I know. And later baby we have to mingle and I don't want to be sporty a half mast" I say as quietly as possible as I feel his hard chest and his semi hard cock press into me. "Well I'm sorry that you just look and smell so good I could eat you right here and not care" He says again whispering but this time his lips brush my ear. I suck in a breath as he knows exactly how to get me hot and bothered. Mara and Kendra take off towards the outdoor gardens and I let out a sigh. I turn to face him and he smiles the wide smile I fell for on the ice. Most don't know this but Luci is technically on the the hockey team as well but he doesn't want Declan getting hazed for being his brother. "Come on lets go see why Mars took off like that" He grins as she hates being called mars. "Yeah but don't let her hear you call her that or your dick will be gone and thats my favorite part on you" I say as we walk towards them since the area they walked into is where they set up the hors d'oeuvres table. I happened to glance at the schedule for tonight and I wonder who actually planned all this because they have speeches and a whole bunch more before any food is served. "I can't believe we are finally at this moment that people want to sign you to teams" Luci says next to me hand in hand as we watch several events take place. A tall blonde haired blue eyed man walks up to Mara and smiles. She smiles back and he kisses her cheek. I glance over to where Declan and his friends are now standing talking to Mara's sister in law about signing with her team she has yet to name. My hope is Pride Knights or something like that. Lilith, i still can't believe her brother found someone with the same name as my very own sister, is an amazingly openly bisexual woman who managed to snag up Dean Pétri when she was working for the Toronto Maple Leafs thats where they met. I love hearing the story over and over again. I laugh so does Luci with his deep
Baritone laugh that makes the butterflies in my stomach always come alive. "I don't know if my brother even understands women. Its like he thinks by just staring at her all the time and making sure he always has her in his line of sight is going to do something" He says laughing as we talk towards a large array of food mere 10 feet away from us. "Well that's because no one on that team knows how to treat a woman. Hence why I am strictly dickly. They over complicate it and think that woman are mindless fools that that can use" I state as I feel him shutter. "You do know that is my brother you talking about" He says as calm as possible. "Yeah but you aren't around the team long enough to even know his reputation with women. It's like bait to a fish sometimes and Mara deserves so much better then a player" I say as someone humphs behind us. I turn and see Ryan shaking his head. "You know its kinda of why I suggested he fake date my sister she isn't his type at all. Plus he wouldn't know how to actually date her since she is more the quiet book worm type person. He barely even looks at her" He says and I hold in my smart ass retort because obviously her own brother is stupidly blind to it as well. "Yeah I mean my mom would be thrilled to finally meet her since Ren and I always talk to her about Mara" Luci says and Ryan smiles. "I'm talking to her about it later not mentioning that Dec will be asking her when tutoring starts tomorrow morning" He says as he walks off toward his sister who is now grabbing a drink from the bar. "I swear so many people are blind that he can't take his eyes off her and she him. They literally glance at each other every other minute and when their eyes meet they both blush and look away quickly. Its like when we meet at the coffee shop not knowing we would be on the same team" I say as Luci smiles at me while looking at the food table. Picking up a plate and places some finger sandwiches on it he says, "I also remember having to beg you to go to a gay club with me because you weren't out to all your friends here or the team. And I ended up dragging you to the club where drag night was happen and our friend Ant was performing. Then you had the best time knowing Ant was on the team as well" I smile at him at the memory. When I was a freshman the team wasn't so open minded and coach was just the assistant coach at the time. There was one openly queer person on the team and they were hazed over it to the point where they transferred out, after that we have no clue what happened to him. We hoped that he would stay in touch but a couple months after he transferred we started getting texts saying his phone had been disconnected. To this day we don't know what happened to him. I look at Luci and hold in a laugh as he has a plate full of mini foods and my plate barely has anything on it. He guides me over to one of the standing table that gives us a perfect view of the courtyard. Mars is to the right talking to players that are on the Leviathan's that Lilith owns. She smiles at all of them some of them embracing her kissing her cheek as they all say hello to her. I glance over to the left of the court yard where Declan is still talking to Dean but now a few other couches have gathered around them. Declan looks like he wants to murder everyone that touches her. Her back is to him as the group around her grows as Lilith walks up to her with about 6 more men behind her. Luci and I just eat and watch for a while to see what happens. We laugh as the whole team is now around her and Kendra they are talking and giving hugs. It's obvious that Mara is just as part of the team as the players. Dean is looking at his soon to be wife with pride as you can hear Mara's laugh eco around us as Mallow picks her up and carries around to each person introducing her to the new team member's. Declan now looks furious like he is about to burst then two unexpected things happen. Lilith looks at Dean and Ryan nods the two groups slowly become mingled as one. We are slightly elevated so we can see that Ryan and Mallow are pushing Mara and Declan to the center. I let out a laugh as I look at Luci, he is smiling. "My plan worked" He says and I give him a confusing look. "I had Ryan talk to Dean and Lilith about this and then got her team and the rest who aren't blind to the sexual tension between them. To get in and help these two get together but its like guiding a horse to water and forcing it to drink. But I told them done let them move til they talk and if they don't Larson has a huge crush on her and it's rumored they kissed once before he went pro" Luci says as we continue to watch. "Larson would be perfect for her if it wasn't that he was in Canada for a whole with Dean so I wonder how that team formed" I say as I watch as Mara walks away as fast as she can. Larson following after her and Declan looking at Luci and I. I can't help but feel guilty to force them to talk at this event.

The crowd parts letting Declan walk up to us his mouth is in a thin line and he surprisingly isn't mad. "So you saw all that? But you two didn't hear how she talked to me. I don't think she gets that I meant it as a compliment and not as a insult" He says looking at Luci his eyes watering. "What did you say to her?" I ask as Luci takes a deep pull of his drink. "I just told her that she looks beautiful tonight and if she wanted to dance and then she took off" He say eyes down casted, Luci and I curse under our breaths. "Fuck, Mara Jesus Christ" Luci says and Declan looks at him completely confused. Luci takes a deep breath and squares his shoulders I know what's about to happen and before I can stop it Luci is already talking. "You should know she has been crushing on you for years. I would say more like she has fallen in love with you and convinced herself that you couldn't possibly love a bigger woman of her size. She doesn't even know your name or that we are related. When she explained her crush to us all, I instantly knew it was you baby brother. Ren took a minute to figure it out and ever since I have been trying to get her to talk to you but now fate has granted us with hope because of this tutoring thing" Luci says with hope in his eyes. Declan looks stunned and unable to talk. "S- So, wait, Sooo, wait no, how, when, what?" "Oh no we broke him, and I think once Mara finds out we told him she may kill us" I say as he continues to repeat himself over and over again with hearts in his eyes.

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