Chapter 33

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I notice out of the corner of my eye that Declan is glaring daggers at Daren and Mallow. Great so the one guy that maybe I thought was different also has alpha-hole tendencies. Or its just a guy thing. I wouldn't dare to touch Lilith's team and then have a whole PR issue without even having a PR department to handle said issue. My brothers act like I don't know when people are flirting with me but I do I see it. I just know when I am fetish and that they don't want anything other than sex from me. The ones who I cant tell is the ones who are genuine about wanting me for me and not some alternative reason. Daren and Mallow are the teams fuckboys they will make their way through the staff but I think that with Olive its different as she has been hooking up with them before Lilith even signed them to the team. Speaking of the team Lilith started building the stadium just outside my home town. It's scheduled to be done by the end of my senior year so I've started researching new houses around the area that is far away from my childhood home. I think I might sell this one or rent it out to college students again since this house is huge and so close to campus. Lilith has been depositing money into my accounts without my knowledge again because she considers me a co-owner but I don't consider myself that. She says its because I have been such a help with finding everything and designing the teams logo's but I didn't expect to be paid for the time of doing everything. I mean I still have some of my inheritance left even after buying this house five years ago but it wouldn't be enough to build my own or even buy another. As much as Ohio as become my new home I don't know what the future will look like for me. I hope to have a future with Declan but I keep reminding myself that the looks he gives me aren't genuine he doesn't want someone like me, that this relationship isn't real. Yeah sure tell yourself that. That kiss sure felt real and it made you go all mushy. You just want to tell yourself that because you think what he said to that puck bunny was all for show and the kisses were all for show but they sure weren't just talk to him about your feelings. "Speaking of hotties. Who is the tall, toasted one that you are with?" Olive says and I thought my blushes were bad now but now my ear, chest and my whole face is red at the mention of Declan. "He isn't anything" I say and Olive gives me a 'I know your bullshiting me look'. "Yeah Lilith told me about that but the way you two interact and how much he looks at you like you made the whole world. That boy has it bad for you. You also have it bad for him, you look at him like he is your whole world and nothing matters. Daren and Jace are just messing with him even though I do see how they are attracted to you but they are the teams lead fuck boys" She says as she gets a gleam in her eye when talking about those two. "I didn't know its that obvious. Daren and Jace know where I stand I fear they are going to fuck their way through the staff and I don't want you getting hurt" I say as her eyes flare a bit like I haven't noticed her glancing back out to the kitchen to look at them before she heads out for this weekends events. "We have an agreement that they understand. I wanted to ask you if you were going to the wedding shower and how your going to get around, isn't it also the day of your birthday?" She says as she eyes my leg that I have now propped up on a pillow with some ice on it. I took some pain killers that are starting to kick in but my leg is still on fire. I swear that I just want this pain to go away and everything to get back to normal. I want to be able to walk my brother down the isle in October. The wedding is coming up so fast that its hard to believe that its almost three months away. "Yeah it is but she didn't book it that day her mother did and didn't care to ask about anyone's plans. It was supposed to happen the weekend after that's what she agreed with the wedding planner but you know how her mother can be" I say as I see Declan leave with the dogs. I sigh because these men are a pain in my ass Declan acts like I don't know that Daren and Mallow constantly flirt with me but they just want fun while they have a lick of freedom. Three weeks of dealing with alpha-hole syndrome because I know every man and some women want to know what it's like to fuck me once. Hence why I know because of Olivia who arrived this morning so Daren and Mallow could get over the fact that I rejected their offers. I mean I would have but I don't like them like that it.

Ice is overratedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt