Chapter 28

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(A/N Hi everyone, I don't know what happened, but this chapter got deleted. Something happened with Wattpad, and I don't keep a backup well lessoned learned to always have a backup just in case this happens. Hope everyone is liking the story so far. Some of what is in the chapter may have changed or has gone in another direction. If you read the first publishing of this you may want to reread it. I am sorry that this has happened and I have taken the steps to make sure this doesn't happen again). Trigger warnings: Torture and dark topics


I am beyond the point of anger. Rage. Maybe but that doesn't even begin to describe it. How can someone we trusted all of our lives do this to our sister, who he claims he has been in love with for years. The dark part of me sings in anticipation of hurting someone. My father turned the dark part of me into an asset for the society, my mother hated it but it was better then me sitting in a jail cell at the age of 9. That's the age where I almost killed a boy for hurting Dean. That's also the age when Sin, my long-time best friend and crush, moved in across the street. The day I met him I fell so hard for him, and he doesn't know. I work with him every day and it kills me not to jump him and fuck his brains out. Currently, He is finding everyone we can trust and telling them of the plan to make sure Josh and his cronies get what they deserve. They didn't know that my team set up cameras along the trails from the back of Mara's house. Plus, Lucifer's camera caught everything we needed to know, but hearing the screams from the house when they started to torture my sister boiled my blood more. If I showed the footage to any of my siblings, who also have this darkness in them, they wouldn't stop until they made sure that their blood was nothing more then crimson rivers where no one can find them. I may have not handled the news well after hearing Dean chastise Mara for something she is not to blame. Trust me, he will get his punishment at a later time or his soon-to-be wife will handle that since she and Mara have grown super close. Lilith has found a plot of land to start building and had hired a few more players and is in the talks of buying another team like the Columbus blue jackets. We talked about it when we went to dinner the night before Mara woke up.

Now, I am in my 67' chevy impala, to say the supernatural cliché that's happening right now would have my mother smiling ear to ear. Even though I look nothing close to the character besides my brown hair and lightish dark brown eyes. Ryan and Declan are with me as we head to one of the many houses we own. Which is no coincidence that it's only a 15 minute drive so that mean that the park that runs to the back of Mara's house is Rege Doloris land. That's how these asshole's keep fucking with her. Have they not learned that if they mess with or hurt one of the people any of the assassin's protected that they will feel the same pain. It looks like Josh hasn't grasped why the society was built and why this has to happen. It should be Mara, to do it but she is too sweet and kindhearted to do any pain to anyone. I could be wrong though as her anger is something that even scares everyone including me.

Declan, Ryan and I are all fuming but I have yet to tell them anything they followed me to the car and I took off without saying a word. Ryan turns to me and turns his dark green eyes on me. Fuck,he has mom's eyes, and it hurts sometimes to look into them. I glance at him and the road as the downtown traffic is taking longer then normal with multiple events happening all at once, including a hockey game. I hear Declan and Ryan talking but I can't focus on it because no one knows that I have been playing for the practice team for the Columbus Blue Jackets. I have yet to get a call to be on the ice but I miss it, I miss feeling the cold on skin and the aches in my legs. Don't get me wrong, I love being the head of the assassin's along with Kara, but I am getting tired of the constant same old. Torture is getting boring, it does nothing for the need to get on the ice and rough up some of the other players.

"Sam, earth to Sam" Ryan says as we turn down the long road that heads right to the big house that the elite or kings or whatever you wanna call them stay at while going to school. "Sorry, I was planning how to make them hurt. I just hope that Sin's brother has nothing to do with this" I say as Declan leans over the seat since he chose to sit in the back. "So, I hear that this Sin person is like your person or is this just a crush type thing. Like me and your sister" Declan says. I forgot that he has the hots for my sister who has no clue the type of power that she has with her looks. She thinks all people see is that she is a bigger woman but what people see is that she not just fat, she's a pretty fat woman. It's what I have been trying to protect her from growing up since I was the first to notice that Josh had a thing for her. I thought it wasn't genuine at first until it turned into her wanting to always be around Josh and Ryan when he was over. When they started dating I made sure Josh knew that he did anything to hurt her he will regret it. Well I hope he is regretting it right about now. He has two weeks of freedom which also means that I have had two weeks to plan how I am going to do it. I can't wait to hear which type of sound his bones make while breaking, some make a loud cracking sound some make a duller sound. "How do you know about that? Ryan, were you running your mouth again? It's nothing and don't mention it around him. Anyway, I have everything we need to do this. Declan, I assume Kara or one of your siblings explained what we do to the people who hurt on of our own" I say as I glance in the rear-view mirror at him as I pick up some more speed wanting to get this done fast. "What the hell are you two talking about? Yeah I told my best friend about our family friend you have been pinning for, for so long that I wonder if you and him will ever be an item" Ryan says as I gun it more picking up even more speed. "Ry, I have explained pretty much everything to you even the first time I hit someone for disrespecting my sisters. There is one thing of explaining it to someone what we were trained to do and seeing it firsthand, Ry. Just be glad that you haven't had to use what that awful camp taught us to do" Declan says as we start to see the house come into view. Maybe about a half a mile before we get to it. "Ry, it's time that you have a hand in this because Hamel and Josh will not stop until we do something about it. Are you gonna join us or are you going to sit in the car and let us handle it?" I say as I glance over to Ryan and his jaw is tight knowing I am baiting him.

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