Chapter 32

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"You have to be fucking kidding me" I hear her high pitched yappy little voice that I can't stand. Payton fucking Anthony one of the damn puck bunnies that wouldn't get it through her head that what happened a couple months ago was a drunken mistake that won't happen again. Now she stalks me everywhere thinking the multiple times I have fallen into her bed means something and it doesn't. This last time I happened to accidentally moan out Mara's name. "Shit, here" I say as I crawl off of mara and helping her up. I might be mean and cold towards other people but I don't have the nickname Beast for nothing. It takes a couple of tires to get Mara to her feet and off the ice. I try not to look like the brooding asshole that Mara has no clue I can be but it's hard when this fucking women won't get it through her head that I don't want her. "What do you want Payton" I say coldly as she makes her way down the stands. If I wasn't totally head over heels for my thick princess next to me I would probably have fallen into Payton's bed again but her damn voice I can't get past it. Payton is barely five foot and small all over except her fake ass tits and bubble butt. I was drunk enough to remember the feel of her tits and ass but not drunk of enough to not remember the night. She won't know that though every time she has walked up to me in the halls I remind her that I don't remember anything. Seems like I have to be that asshole I like to keep locked away for people who deserve it. "Well, snookum's. I was looking for you because the party tonight" She says with her high chihuahua voice. I swear she sounds like she has one of Daisy's squeaker toys stuck in her wind pipe.

"Okay, What does the party my teammates throw every year at their beach house have to do with you? Why are you even on campus right now when schools out for the summer for you" I say with such mirth in my voice that one would think I am just having a conversation. "Well, pookie I thought you would want to take me as your date since we are kinda seeing each other" She says with such hope in her eyes not even noticing that Mara is right next to me. "Well since when were we seeing each other. We fucked a couple of times and that's it. Your pussy was good to distract me from my feelings for my actual girlfriend before she was mine" I say as I look over to mara and she is clearly uncomfortable. I grab her hand and Payton's eyes finally shift to her. The glare she gives Mara is one no tougher than a scared alley cat. Anger flashes in Payton's eyes. "You have been cheating on me" She screams as her fan club comes walking down. "Oh look he has been cheating on you with that cow" Her best friend says and starts to make mooing sounds. I am getting pissed off I glance at Mara and she is dead silent. "How about you take your flabby ass pussy and get out here and stop acting like we are together when I was moaning her name as I was fucking you not yours" Her eyes go wide what I just admitted. "Yeah I fucking remember the dinosaur noises you were making and like a dying tetradactyl. Let alone you have a voice that can call dogs its so unattractive to tear other people down just because you are so insecure about yourself when your nothing but another puck bunny trying to get the dream house and be a stay at home mom who spends the money her husband makes. You don't care about us as people you just see us as a means to make your name mean something. No wonder Ryan dumped you so quick when he found out that you have been around the block and now your picking on his sister all because he doesn't want someone who goes around and lets his friends fuck them. Mara here is the most beautiful person I know she is kind and she doesn't see people as a paycheck. She doesn't care about the possibilities of my name being famous one day. One day her name is going to be more famous then mine and even her brothers. So don't you dare talks bad about her" I say as I feel Mara's eyes on me and I don't dare to look at her. "You know as much as it was fun seeing my brother dump your fake ass two years ago but to go after his teammates that's low. Even for a puck bunny you have some nerve picking on teammates girlfriends and families like the team wont hesitate to take out the trash" Mara says just as Liam comes down from the gym in a heated conversation but as soon as his eyes land on Payton his is mad all over again. I heard that she has been causing issues with Kendra, Nesta and him because she refuses to move on. He knows about the team passing her around and he knows about each time I have hooked up with her. Each time I was stupidly drunk and didn't remember it until this last time when I drank too much to get over not passing two classes luckily the one was resolved in the teacher letting me retake the test and then I passed. Liam strides up to Payton and I see the rest of the team is with him. Good so this will be easy to make sure the whole team knows Payton is no longer going to be able to touch any of the players. "Boys, Payton and her besties her are now on the DNF list" I say. The DNF list is the do not fuck list that they are now not to be talked to or used in anyway. The other puck bunnies usually do things for us like cook outs and spoil us let alone we all occasionally thank them by using them as fuck toys but they know their role. Its why I put a stop to puck bunnies because I want something real and why not have that with the girl that I think about when fucking someone else. It was before all of this never thought it would come back to bite me in my ass but here we are. I wish we could have a break from all the drama and stress of everything. Liam and the rest of the team nod and turn their backs on Payton I look at Mara and she is grinning ear to ear. The other night she fell asleep reading one of her mother fantasy romance books and I may have read a few chapters after using her book mark to mark where she left off. In the book it is mentioned that turning your back on any fae is considered an insult so this makes this whole situation even better. Payton says something but I am not paying attention. Mara and I are now sitting on the bench. I change into my street shoes and she's just looking at me. Before I know it Mara is leaning in and kissing me again like she's done it a hundred times. I hear Payton growl and storm off. Yeah, my girl right here is the reason why this works out so good and probably since the team has told the bunnies that I am now off limits. We pull a way and she's all smiles. I look around and see their retreating backs and Mara grins. "I am glad that I for once am not the reason for someone else drama in their life. I can't believe you fucked that. I would have to drunk enough to get past her yappy ass voice to even consider to tap that. I mean she's hot and all but that voice I can't imagine what she sounds like in bed" she says on a laugh. I burst into laughter. She can't be serious right? No way she is bisexual too.

"Oh trust me it was bad. I remember one time fully and its exactly like I said she sounded like one of your dogs squeaker toys the whole time. Like if I wanted hear porn I would have just watched it. Her sounds were so fake just like her body. Under all the makeup and clothes she has so many surgery scares with how much she has had done. Sober me would not have touched her, Drunk me doesn't care apparently" I say as she laughs along with me. "Ohh so sober you likes women like me apparently and drunk you likes anything with hole?" She asks jokingly as we watch them walk as slowly as possible out of the arena. "Yeah, hence why I asked you silly. Now let's get you home and off that leg" I say as I grab her hand helping her out to the car where Payton is yelling about something to her friends. I pay no mind as I help Mara into the car.

After a short car ride back to her house. We get her inside and that's when we hear it. "Fuck, Ryan please, Harder" My cousin yells from the back of the house. I know her voice well enough to know it is her. Mara on the other hand I hope doesn't know her voice all that well when she moaning. I only know it because the amount of times I came home from practice to hear her and her current flavor of the week fucking somewhere in my mothers house. Mara's cheeks turn red as we hear the three of them cum. "When they get out here are we going to act like we didn't hear that or that we just got back after they finished. All I know I want to know is who he is seeing I have theories but I can't just accuse him of things you know?" She says as I try not to get hard at what I really want to do with her. That's when Jace "Mallow" Carson walks out with Daren Paige and a women I don't know but Mara does walks out of the back room. I forgot about them since they are most of the time never here but they infuriate me. They flirt with her all the time and now this. Mara is now red as a tomato as the group gets water for themselves. "Oh that was fun but only this one times boys soon I will be your equipment manager and we don't need scandals happening before we even have a chance to open the arena for the team" She says as she spots Mara sitting on the couch. She smiles and winks at her as Mara is openly staring at Jace and Daren's half naked bodies. "Oh I am sorry if you heard us" She says to Mara which makes her blush even harder. "It's okay we just got back so its no worries. I am glad you were able to stop in on your way to see Lilith, Olive" Mara says as Olive smiles at her. Olive has long black hair that goes right down to her fat ass she is curvy with little breasts. She looks like she is some type of model or plays some type of sport. "Yeah, I wouldn't miss my besties wedding shower" she says as Mara smiles. "Oh I know it's going to be fun the place we picked out is gorgeous and oh course in true Lilith fashion it's over the top and truly what she wants" Mara says smiling ear to ear. Jace and Daren watch them talking while whispering to each other eyeing Mara more then Olivia. Where they more interested in Mara then the women they just fucked. I grab the leashes as the dogs perk up. "Wanna go for a run?" I ask then as Mara looks at me its almost mid night but I still have this energy and a hint of jealousy running through me. That a night time run with two big ass dogs will cure. I will be extra sore tomorrow after the rink and now this but anything to get me out of the house away from the two that Mara is clueless to the fact they want her bad. "be careful" Mara yells towards me as I change into my running shows the clothes I have on are perfect for running anyways and the dogs are all excited. "Will do, be back in hour" I say as I leash the dogs up, walk out of the house and take off at leisure pace.

An hour fly's by and I am already back at the house. Mara is in her room and the urge to go to here is strong. I wonder when Jace and Daren will leave so it can just be the two of us. She keeps reminding me that this is fake but I want it to be real so damn bad. She's everything I have ever wanted. 

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