Chapter 15

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I'm walking out of my favorite pre-workout smoothie place Powder Mania, which happens to be close to the coffee shop that Luci meets Mara and the rest of their friends at every weekend. If they don't have their coffee date Luci and Ren get antsy. I thought Jesse and Nate were driving her to the coffee shop but obviously this women convinced them that she could handle it alone. When I was walking put of the library I noticed her ex in the corner watching us with a group of five other men. I overheard them say that they should just kidnap her and torture the information out of her. What information though? Maybe thats why she got into IT. I don't wanna sound like a total creep if I flat out ask her what they meant. I glance up as I hear their boices again. "Just grab her nock her out or something I have chloroform on me that will work. She owes you anyway for keeping the secret where you buried that bitch alive in high school for going behind your back and disobeying your orders" the tall one with bright red hair says over to Josh. "Or we could go with a different kind of torture after we grab her make all her worst fears come true" the short one with white hair says. "No I got plans. First we just have to get her alone if not we will grab her later tonight. The bitch though she was so good but turns out her security system isn't as good as she thought it was" Josh says thats when I notice Mara is about 40 feet away from them on her phone trying not to panic. I push my blender bottle full of my favorite peanut butter and banana mint protein smoothie in my duffle and run over to her. "No no I'm almost there but we have an issue" she as I get closer to her willing my feet to move faster I'm still 30 feet from her. "Nes, the group is here and they are all about 40 feet behind me. I'm walking as fast and I can" she says into her phone as I finally catch up to her.  I grab her hand and look down lovingly to her. If she isn't going to go with the plan her brother Ryan and I came up with then I will force it on her. I know sounds bad but she doesn't deserve to go missing, no one does, especially by those assholes hands. What for money? For her keeping a secret? For her committing murder? She couldn't possibly do any of that she is too sweet and too nice.

"Don't worry baby I got you" I say as loud as possible hopefully grabbing their attention. I look down at her as face shows absolutely confusion. She rolls her eyes before putting the phone back in her pocket. i smile down at her shes so adorable like this all worked up with worry like no one has her back. "What are you doing?" she asks confusion etching more in her features . "What? Can't I walk my beautiful amazing girlfriend to coffee with her friends and my brother" I say to her as I hear them pick up speed like that will do something. I know their type think they can get away with ruining other people's lives and get away with it. "Keep walking and don't stop until we get to the door" I whisper down to her as the sound of deep male laughter echoes around us. "Oh look at her a little mouse having to be protected by her cat" Josh says as I talked in her ear hoping she hasn't caught anything they have said. "It will be fun ripping all those holes apart just like we did your best friend" The red haired scrawny one says I glance back and she tightens her hand in mine. After another minute of walking we get to the door walking inside as Lucifer looks at us and glares at me. Okay big brother calm down I know she means well but damn. I glare out the window at the five men standing watching her like she is some prize to win to kill not letting her hand go until they leave. "You two are going to be the death of me" Lucifer says sighing in that I'm trying to protect my baby brother way. She tries to remove my hand from mine but I won't let go I can see in my peripheral vision that she is just looking at me. I can't focus on her right now as her ex boyfriend cowers behind his friends even though it seems to be the leader of the group. I glare hard at them hoping I don't have to bring out that darker side of me to make them go away. At this point I don't care if coach is mad that I'm now over 45 minutes late. He will understand and make Nate and Jesse do extra drills for letting her go on her own. I say they need more of a punishment then extra drills they need to learn that women need protection from time to time. I feel a hand land on top of our joined hands and warmth of someone getting close so no one by us will her. "I know you want to rip his throat out and make him suck his own cock but leash it before we have another incident" Lucifer says as I relax and let go of her hand. The feel of her delicate yet calloused hands lingering on mine. I look Lucifer trying to calm my boiling pulse as she could have been taken and never seen again. "Look at me" She says as my eyes connect with hers I can't help but let my attraction show for her, as she instantly calms me down with just one look. "You didn't have to do that" She says as Ren and her friends look at us three. Lucifer moves away after seeing the change in my demeanor knowing he doesn't have to pry me off anyone today. "Yes I did", I sighs hard and continue, "I was across the street and heard their conversation and if I didn't you wouldn't be standing here" I say. She look at me all wide eyed fear starts to appear in her eyes like she knows exactly what they we referring to. "I have to get going we will talk more later" I say returning my gaze back out the window to make sure they took off while this conversation was happening luckily they are gone for now. I lean down and kiss her cheek real quick walking off like nothing happened while my heart beats out of my chest. Mara Pétri is going to be the death of me she may be a bigger woman but damn she is not like most of the bigger woman I have hooked up with on occasion. She has confidence and is unapologetically her self.

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