Chapter 19

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My wife, Hailey Isabella Landon-Archer, sits hooked up to several machines one is filtering her blood cleaning it and pumping it back into her body. My heart sinks knowing that with dialysis it can be a very painful and tricky process. When her family wasn't around yet the doctors told me she may have to be on dialysis for the rest of her life. The other was the machine they used to keep her body on oxygen, she was able to breathe on her own and they decided to take the tube off but not out just in case. Her stupid stupid brother who conveniently isn't here yet is to blame. One bad deal and this is what happens, the love of my life, drugged, beaten, and on the brink of death. My siblings like to call me the goddess of death or something along those lines because everyone who comes into my life their family member or someone close to them starts dying off. I tried going to mediums and other spiritual people to aid in helping me get this curse lifted but its been on me before I was even born. I'm currently sitting next to her bed as I feel my stomach groan in protest that I haven't eaten much in the past week. The poison that was given to her has done a number on her body and I can't help but feel helpless. She is my everything, the reason why I get up in the morning and have the will to live everyday. I'm hoping to get a minute alone while her god awful parents debate whether or not that I have the right to do anything. I let a tear fall as I hear foot steps get closer, fuck not right now I'm about to cry again and not in front of them.

This week I have managed to only cry when it's in my own home or away from them they have yet to see me cry. They haven't even shown one bit of emotion when it comes to her. Her oldest brother who she is close with is devastated and told me that he isn't shocked her twin did this. He never wanted to be on the illegal side of the family busy. Yeah I know about that, she told me they sell drugs and counterfeit pills along side many legal businesses that help the community. She told me one night after making love that her twin wanted to start selling harder drugs and she didn't want that since she saw her best friend die from her addiction. I look up as my brother Declan walks in the room with a grocery bag and a bottle of my favorite bubble tea in a can by some Japanese company. I sigh in relief when I see it's him he gives me a half smile as I let the tears fall harder. I'm so grateful for him for dropping everything and being by my side this whole week. He looks as rough as I do his dark brown hair is all a mess like he has been sleeping on his hand, his honey brown eyes have dark circles around them, he is in his signature black hoodie and black skinny jeans that he only ever wears around family anymore. He has on some high top nike basketball shoes that are black and red. His jaw is locked hard defining his jaw line as he walks closer to me. "Kar, You need to eat something and probably should try sleeping too" He says setting the bag down on the little roll around cart. I look inside  the bag finding my favorite quick grab food from the store around the corner, a crescent roll chicken salad sandwich, a crunchy California roll, a bag of my favorite chips sour cream and cheese and a little container of dip as well as a bottle of green mint tea and a sugar-free red bull. "Thanks, I'm not hungry though Dec, I wanna be here when they wake her up. This all is just such bullshit" I say as more tears fall blurring my vision. I feel his hand come around me and I try not to flinch at my own brothers touch but I can't help it. If Declan knee the things that happened to me he would tear this city apart trying to avenge the people that hurt me. "They have no right and even when they try and do something about it you're the last say" He says as he pulls away wiping the tears off my cheeks.

"Her parents are just such assholes this is why we didn't have a wedding and the reason why this is the first time I'm meeting then myself" I say as he start taking food out of the bag. He pops open the sushi and my stomach growls loudly as a nurse walks in. "We got confirmation from the hospital board that you are the power of attorney so whatever you decide we must follow" the cute petite red headed woman in pink scrubs says as she eyes Declan. I was 13 when I realized that the only reason why anyone wanted to be my friend is to be able to come over to see if my brothers were home. We are all attractive my brothers take it to a whole other level where most are in a sport or are muscly nerds. I lost many friends when they found that my brothers were barely home and kept themselves busy all the time to help our mom out after dad took off when Ryder was a surprise only a year after Ronan. I sigh again as I look at Jane, I think her name was, I don't know been here so long that all the nurses have started looking the same. I glance at her name tag and yes her name is Jane if I remember correctly she is also good friends with Hailey. "Yeah, we can go a head and start bringing her out of the coma Jane" I say as she nods. "Alright I'm glad you decided that. I will get the paperwork and call the doctor" she says as she check Hailey's vitals again before walking out. Declan picks up a piece of sushi and hover it in font of my mouth. "Eat or I will force you" he says and I sigh taking the spicy goodness into my mouth and I groan as I chew. Yeah I'm a huge foodie good food is like a good orgasm that makes you see stars and colors. I don't realize that I have taken the chopsticks and eating all of it as fast as I can. "Fuck I didn't realize how hungry I actually am" I say on a laugh and he looks at me with all the love of an older brother. "Well thats my job isn't it?" his voice sounds sarcastic but I know he is being serious. "Declan not one of us has told you that its your job to make sure we eat and that we take care of ourselves" I say as I pop the last piece of sushi in my mouth. He looks out the door as we hear foot step and there goes my appetite. He grabs the bag kisses the top of my head and says, "we got everybody food I will put this in the fridge for you, talk later", with that he walks out as my monster in-laws walk in with four lawyers. My lawyer follows behind them all as they gather around me then what I didn't expect was security following them. Now the room feels quite small with so many people in it. "Now that we have had time to look over things the marriage can be null and void if mrs. Hailey was awake and can consent to this since she is of adult age and can make her own decisions" A tall grey haired man says as he takes Hailey's hand. I don't know who he is but I don't like him touching her.

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