Chapter 25

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It's been two weeks since I convinced my sister to come back to Columbus with me. Luckily for me my sister is the type of rich people dream of so we took her private jet. After much debate from my sister and coach, she finally let coach take us to my mom's even though he knew my sister would have had a car ready. She brought almost all of her security guards with her as well as more on the way. I don't exactly know why but it's comforting to know she cares. But Kara looks nervous more than ever but the mask she wore slipped back into place when we got home. My mom was thrilled of course that she left the hospital and got out but then wasn't happy that we are going to another one. After my phone died and now finally decided to power on after finding a charger, i took it off my airplane mode when I finally got the text that Mara was in serious condition and after suffering heart failure. I went to the hospital right after that, i may have freaked out a little and confessed things to Ryan, I know is going to definitely bite me in the ass later but I didn't lie when I said I love Mara. It's been two weeks she doesn't remember the three days of her barely being awake enough without her being in pain. Those three days I watched as she screamed in pain. Three days where I couldn't do anything, seeing hand marks and rope burns on her arms and ankles, and bruising around her mouth where they gagged her. I wanted to kill them myself, Ryan stopped me though. So, I've spent all visiting hours here and when they force me to leave since I'm not family, I've spent it at the rink, I've barely slept but I can't until I know she is okay. In all honesty, doing anything to clear my mind of the thick queen that fills my mind with her gorgeous green eyes and dyed blue hair and the laugh that I'm desperately missing. The lip piercing that I just wanna feel against my own lips. It got to the point where Ryan, Lucifer and Ren informed the team what happened and they have been trying to get me not to sit and wait for her like she was my actual girlfriend. Even coach threatened that if I didn't show up and turn some of my work in for this tutoring thing he was going to bench me permanently. So I dragged myself there to find he took over her tutoring group but every second there was hell. Ryan got fed up with me texting him all the time with updates, but like always when we thought everything would be okay thats when Josh slipped in. She wasn't even awake and no one was there except a nurse who everyone called Siren, he was the one who told us that a very hot guy with blonde hair and blue eyes was there and left flowers and gifts for when she woke up. He said that Josh was so specific about it that he wanted a constant rotation of flowers replaced. This happened a couple days before now where Kara was trying to secure a team her that didn't have to travel after this, she pulled a lot of strings. Which I'm grateful for and will do something special for her whenever we can get a break from all this.

Is it wrong of me to post online that I'm in a relationship? Probably, when I haven't confirmed or denied it with her but I needed Josh to stop this bullshit for the Reges Deloris. This is for her protection, I even had teammates watching her house that day as well, but fuck those freshman are going to get it whenever we plan a practice day for not being there or seeing them come through the damn woods at the back of her house. Ryan swore that the freshman were there but no matter what those assholes slipped through every defensive we had. So far they have been lucky that I've been out of town when it happened and since then I've been at the hospital by my girls side. Kara has been the reprieve with her security firm and assigning us a detail. Lucky enough the men who have been here all live in the area. I've gotten to know some of them as we watch Mara slowly get better. I've confessed many things that I know she won't remember but one day I will tell her exactly everything I said.

Ryan and I ran out to get lunch for the team. Kara surprisingly didn't run back to Nashville after a week. I think her being home with family and away from that hospital is a good thing. Before we left Hailey woke up but is very weak and they are running tests. Hailey also ironically owns this hospital as well and when Kara walked through the doors the whole staff started singing a different tune. When we got her they were ignoring Mara's screams of pain and also tried to say that she doesn't need the pain medication. Kara was pissed and had the staff move her into the vip suite and got the top notch care. Let's just say after a new doctor saw her and said that she was close to having another cardiac arrest I was pissed. I left and went to the rink for way too long. Ryan and I look at each other as we hear voices coming from her room that we are currently standing in front of as Lucian is giving us a update. "I swear she almost screamed and attacked her. I wanted to laugh but your sister is so afraid" Lucien says with his deep Italian accented voice. "Fuck. Thats what I didn't wang happening while we were gone. Im glad shes awake, I will let my family know" Ryan says. All 5 of her siblings were here but today they had to get out and of course she wakes up now. I hear my sister laugh as my heart starts to beat out of my chest. She's awake, for this first time in three weeks I can look into those green eyes and feel whole again. I never thought that this beautiful woman would mean so much to me. Ryan walks in first smiling ear to ear as my sister passes him on her way out. I step back to say goodbye to Kara. "I think I got through to her. It may take time for her to believe any of it but I believe that everything will work out in the end, universe has ways of doing things like that" She says as she quickly hugs me as all her guards follow her as she leaves me standing there trying to catch my breath. I sigh as I watch the new guards take the place of other ones as my anxiety spikes hard.

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