Chapter 23

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I feel like I'm floating on clouds but the sky is so rough and itchy around me. I'm cold but something warm and heavy is settled on my arm. I try to open my eyes but it feels like they have sand bags weighing them down. I move my arm slightly as I finally get one eye to crack open then the other as I blink slowly letting the blur to my vision go away. I'm laying in a bed in a white room as beeping comes from somewhere. I look down seeing a medical gown then the sterile smell hits me and recognition to where I'm at. Slowly looking around at the room and the down to where my brother Ryan is asleep on my arm. Why am I here? Oh! Thats right. My memory kicks back into what happened, Josh or Josh's friends broke in to my house, tied me up and cut me. In the moment it looked like not a deep wound but by the time I passed out from the pain I heard Kendra scream. I faintly remember being awake and having my phone sending off a few texts with pain meds flowing through me before I passed out again. Thats what sometimes I hated about anesthesia and pain meds that they are nice in the moment but after your memory is so foggy. It could also be a trauma response but who knows. I feel something in my throat like I've swallowed a dick that won't come out, I try not to panic at it since Ryan was just like this after coming out of surgery. I move the arm Ryan's head is on and I swear he bolts up right in a blink of an eye before his whole body is crashing over me. Hot white pain shoots up my leg at the sudden weight on me. "Shit, I'm sorry Mara. I'm just so happy to see you awake. I'll get a nurse to take out the breathing tube so don't freak out at the weird open feeling and feeling like your drowning on air. They will probably give you pain meds" He says as he scrambles off of me. I close my eyes hoping that sleep with take me before he and nurse return but then the pain hits again as I try to get comfortable.

I sigh hard as the nurse walks in with Ry. They take the tube out and explain to me what I already knew but protocol bullshit and such. After what felt like a whole day worth of questions from doctors, nurses, friends and family. They didn't even give me pain meds at all gave me some Ibuprofen and told me that should be enough for the pain. I was cut open to the bone and no pain meds stronger then that. Ry, Kendra and Nesta are the only ones who stayed. Ry told me that Dean, Sam, Jensen, Jared and Lilith will be in tomorrow to see me since each of them are in a different state and country at the moment. I shift my weight to my bad leg just trying to get comfortable and I almost scream at the feeling of my stitches being pulled both internally and externally, weird how you can feel both. "I'm going to see if they will give you something for that pain I can't stand this" Nesta says with anger in her eyes as I watch her glance at Ry something calms in her and what looks like lust fills her eyes. I've definitely caught that look from them a couple times plus Kendra and Nesta weren't so subtle when they thought I wasn't home. I'm pretty sure all three of them are together but they will tell me when they are ready plus I'm a snoop with my brothers phone when he napping after practice to say I wasn't shocked by it was an understatement. I knew for a while that Ry and Kendra had been caught hanging out together Luci told me that when he caught them at the Hockey house, then Ren told me about how many times he caught Nesta sneaking out and was told to keep it from me. Well, we have been texting about it in a separate group chat before all this happen. I was happy for my brother but my best friends and that they didn't trust me was the biggest shocker, the secrets that were kept from me because everyone thought I was so unstable. I smile as I watch her go and then giggle as she chastises a nurse for not giving me something stronger and threaten to call her dad. Nesta's father owned or was partnered in majority, if not, all major hospital and facilities. I met him a handful of times and he definitely gave off mop boss vibes but was a huge softy.

Ry looks over to me as Kendra tries to hold his hand without me noticing. I smile as I try not to notice. The heaviness that weighs down my bones hurts like hell. I wish Declan were here he would make this better. I try not to let that thought make me blush but Kendra sees right through it. "Just agree already. We know you two have something there. See it as a trial run and if things don't work out no harm no foul" Kendra says as Ry nods in agreement. "I already did before going into surgery, I do remember that part but hand me my phone everyone must be worried" I say as Ry hands it to me. I tap the screen to turn it on and my notifications are crazy. I see I have a few texts from everyone including family but only one person has my heart racing like I just swam for my life from a school of very hungry human eating sharks. Declan, I can't understand why or how but damn something stirred in me at see his name on my screen as it always did. I sigh as the tiredness takes over. "I will reply to these later, I need some rest" I say with tiredness fulling my voice. Ry pats my foot and says something but sleep envelopes me before I can hear what he said.

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