01. welcome back

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01. welcome back
real life + messages

THE HARD WOOD ON THE DOCK AND COLD WATER ON HER FEET MADE CAMRYN FEEL HAPPIER. She had missed being at her families lake house, always finding herself looking forward to the summer time.

Camryn was sat her own families dock, waiting on the arrival of her childhood best friends to arrive. Jack Hughes and Camryn Walker were inseparable as children, but this year they've grown apart.

Jack was unsure why Camryn was suddenly distant from him. But, she knew exactly why.

This year Jack had announced that he was in a relationship. Ultimately (and unknowingly) shattered Camryn's heart into little tiny pieces.

"You're awfully quiet, Sunny." Quinn snuck up behind her, sitting next to her.

Camryn plastered a fake smile on her face. "I'm enjoying the peace, leave me alone." She joked back to him.

Camryn sighed, kicking some water with her feet. "Is he really bringing her?"

Quinn sucked in a deep breath, nodding. "Yeah, I'm not sure why though. Mom doesn't really like her."

Camryn furrowed her brows, looking over at Quinn. "Why? Ellen loves everyone."

"Well the first time Jack brought her over, she was more interested in talking about her career." Quinn used finger quotes when referencing her career. "Mom also still hopes you guys will get married."

"Quinn, don't say that! You'll make me cry." Camryn gave him light jab in his ribs, making him shut up.

Quinn held his hands up in defense. "I'm just saying."

Camryn had always thought of Quinn as an older brother, mostly due to the fact Camryn only had sisters. Quinn would always be there to let her rant about her feelings about Jack. He was the only one who actually knew about Camryn's feelings.

The only other person that knew as Luke's girlfriend, Hayden. The two had bonded because she also lived in the cul de sac. Hayden felt for Camryn, but luckily she was able to wife Luke.

Everyone had their speculations, both families hoping that Camryn and Jack would get married and have children.

But with Camryn's inability to tell Jack the truth and Jack actually getting in a romantic relationship, all hopes and dreams went down the drain.

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