13. caught

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13. caught
real life

THE FLIGHT BACK TO NEW JERSEY WAS LONG, MENTALLY LONG. Jack spent most of the time replaying his fight with Camryn. He felt awful for walking out on her, especially without telling her that he felt the same.

Jack felt an immense amount of guilt, knowing how much he just hurt Camryn. The words he spoke, the things he said and did, didn't reflect on his true feelings.

Jack loved Camryn, every little bit about her. He loved that she preferred to spend her summer out in the the sun, instead of being cooped up inside. Unfortunately, he didn't get to see that side of Camryn this summer.

If Jack would've just manned up, and stopped being naïve, he could've told Camryn. In that instance, she wouldn't have suffered all summer like she did.

Jack loved that she put her reputation above her own feelings. Not wanting to tell Jack simply because she didn't want to be perceived as someone who ruins a relationship.

Jack loved her relationship with his family. Camryn got along with everyone; she always had something to talk about with every member. Camryn gossiped with Ellen, and asked about Jim's hockey career.

Camryn was perfect for him, every bit and piece of her was perfect for Jack.

His stupidity got in the way of their relationship.

Thankfully, the plane landed, taking Jack out of the abyss of his own mind. The drive to his house was long, but he was surprised to see Sienna's car also parked in the driveway.

He gave her a spare key early on in the relationship, telling her that she could use it. But considering that the two haven't spoke since she left Michigan, he was extremely surprised to see her car.

The front door was left unlocked, ultimately pissing Jack off. He didn't like it when his house was unlocked. All it could take was for one stalker fan to find out where he lived.

Jack didn't show his presence when he got inside. Instead, quietly searching for Sienna.

The last room to check was his own bedroom. When he opened the door, he was appalled at the view in front of him. Sienna and a man, presumably Wyatt, were comfortably asleep in his bed.

This was crossing so many lines.

"Get the fuck up." Jack demanded, waking both perpetrators up.

"Who are you?" Wyatt asked.

"I'm the owner of this fucking house, and you are with my girlfriend - no - my ex-girlfriend in my bed." Jack seethed, crossing his arms.

"You told me this was your house, Sienna." Wyatt quickly got up.


"Wow, you told him that? God, get the fuck out. The both of you." Jack rolled his eyes.

Wyatt was quick to gather his things and leave, Sienna staying put in the bed.

"Did you not fucking hear me? Or did you become deaf while you were cheating on me. Give me my key and leave!" Jack yelled.

Sienna widened her eyes, quickly fumbling with her keys. She left the key on the nightstand, getting out of the bed.

"I'm sorry, Jack." She murmured, scurrying out of the house.

Once he heard the front door shut, Jack let out a loud yell. Mostly in frustration, more frustrated at himself than anyone else.

He wasted a lot of time on Sienna. The same time that could've been used on Camryn. He wasted so much effort, and care.

Jack had ruined anything that he could've had with Camryn.

But quicker than his insecurities could rack his brain, he was booking a plane ticket to Vancouver.

Camryn was going to know his true feelings soon, he wouldn't let anything get in the way of it.

This act was so fun to write, and
I hope you guys enjoyed it.

rosie posie

cool about it ,, jh86Where stories live. Discover now