17. flashing lights

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17. flashing lights
real life

THE NEXT MORNING, CAMRYN FINALLY EMERGED FROM HER ROOM. Her face was red, her eyes were swollen. She found Jack asleep on the couch, and she poked him slightly. Jack moved slightly, still falling asleep. Camryn rolled her eyes, pushing her more aggressively. Jack finally woke up, slowly opening his eyes.

It took him not long to realize Camryn was in front of him, but he was not a morning person.

"Jack, wake up. It's like ten in the morning." Camryn groaned, standing up and crossing her arms.


"No, it's Quinn. Wake up." Camryn repeated, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

Jack finally gains some energy, sitting up on the couch. He ran a hand through his bedhead, smoothing out his hair. Once he comes to mind, seeing Camryn in front of him, he instantly gets worried.

"What happened yesterday? Did something happen at work?" Jack asked, curiously.

Camryn frowned, nodding. Camryn took a seat next to Jack, laying her head on his lap. Jack tried to ignore the way his heart was beating. To him, in this moment Camryn was a cracked piece of glass, waiting to shatter. She tried her best to get comfortable before breaking the news that was still an open wound in her mind.

"Yup, got fired. Well, technically let go." Camryn explained, putting air quotes around her words.

"What?! How come?" Jack asked, placing a comforting hand on her red cheeks.

"Supposedly, budget cuts. He did say I can use them as a reference in the future." Camryn recalled, rubbing one of her eyes.

"That's bullshit."

"Yup, now I'm back on the job hunt." Camryn groaned, hating the fact that she'd had to start somewhere new.

"Why don't you look in New Jersey?" Jack throws out the suggestion, shrugging at his own words.

Camryn sat up abruptly, now wanting to look at him face-to-face. "Why would I look in New Jersey?" She furrowed her brows at him.

Jack let out another shrug, "We wouldn't have to worry about long-distance then."

Camryn's jaw dropped slightly as she tilted her head at Jack. She was in slight disbelief that he just suggested that out of the blue. Though, she lost her job and really had no obligations in Vancouver, she couldn't just dip on her apartment agreement with Ashlyn.

"I mean, that's true, but I do pay half of this rent with Ashlyn, I don't want to just leave her here by herself." Camryn tried to reason with Jack.

"I don't mind." Ashlyn shrugged, walking from her bedroom to the kitchen.

Camryn huffed, now feeling like she is being pressured into looking at jobs in New Jersey. It wasn't a bad idea, not at all. But something about moving just because she lost her job gave her a bad vibe.

"I have two tickets to fly back tonight, you can either come with or stay." Jack offered, leaning closer to Camryn.

"Is history repeating itself? If so, I probably should go with you." Camryn spoke, talking like she was talking to the universe.

"Good idea."


THE NEXT MORNING, BOTH ADULTS WERE IN THE TOWN OF NEWARK. Jack was just settling back into his home, collecting the final amount of Sienna's things. She had left a few clothes, some toiletries, and random miscellaneous items. Jack had tossed everything into a garbage bag, planning on contacting her later to come get them.

Camryn sat on the couch in the living room, watching Jack continuously walk up and down the stairs, triple checking each room in the house.

"What, you think she planted cameras?" Camryn joked, watching Jack start to go upstairs for the fourth time.

"I just want to make sure I have all her shit, so that way I can be done." Jack turned to face her, standing on the bottom step.

"Kinda humorous." Camryn laughed, getting on her phone to check the time. Noticing that it was growing closer to lunch time, she got up.

After checking many cabinets, even the huge pantry, Camryn came to the conclusion that Jack had absolutely no food in his house besides protein bars. She huffed, leaning against the counter, checking what kind of food was near her.

Jack came down the stairs once more, this time with more random things that belonged to Sienna. Camryn raised her eyebrows at the random items.

"Jack, you have no food." She pointed out, gesturing to the cabinets that are practically empty.

"To be fair, Camryn, I've been gone for like four weeks." Jack excused himself, walking over to the counter that was across from her.

Jack leaned his back against it, looking down at Camryn. "Want to go get food? Since my cabinets are just so empty." Jack mocked, a smirk playing on his face.

"Thank god, I'm going to die of starvation." Camryn groaned, throwing her head back slightly.

Jack just rolled his eyes, stifling laughter. "Let's go."

btw these two are going to be very
awkward because idk i want them to

rosie posie

cool about it ,, jh86Where stories live. Discover now