19. that's actually psycho

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19. that's actually psycho
real life

CAMRYN AND JACK SPENT THE REST OF THAT NIGHT TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT TO DO. Camryn wanted to just avoid it all, and keep going on with her life. Jack wanted to explain it to the media, not wanting anything to tarnish his career. They both came to the conclusion that they wouldn't talk about it, unless Jack was asked about it.

There were many phone calls, even though it wasn't that shocking of a thing. Ellen was more than delighted to hear the news, Luke was mad because Hayden knew and didn't tell him, and everyone else was more worried about Sienna's reaction.

Jack had left for morning skate early on in the morning. This left Camryn alone in a house, and a town, that she was completely unfamiliar with. With these circumstances, Camryn would normally light up a joint and smoke. But considering that this was Jack's house, and she was unsure of how he'd feel about it, Camryn avoided doing such.

Instead, Camryn decided to pull out her laptop, and search for jobs in New Jersey. Camryn hadn't given this idea much thought. She thought it was silly, just for a relationship. But Camryn thought about it, the more she searched for jobs. If she were to move to New Jersey, she'd be closer to her own mom and dad. Then, she'd be closer to Jack, and Hayden. But, she'd be farther away from Quinn and Ashlyn.

Camryn was convinced that Ashlyn would be spending most of her time with Trevor in California though. Camryn would give herself a pat on the back for that one, considering she was the reason that Ashlyn went to Michigan in the first place.

There were many small part-time jobs that Camryn found. Barista positions, retail workers, and some serving jobs. But, she needed a full-time job, and she was struggling to find that. Nothing really interested her anyways, it was all silly jobs.

Camryn decided to take a break, setting her laptop next to her on the couch. Camryn decided she wanted to waste her time on tiktok, scrolling for ages. After a couple minutes of endless scrolling, a text came through from Hayden.

sunny you need to join sienna's live. she's dogging real hard.

sunshine !

omg she's being so mean, camryn im serious.

Camryn rushed to open Instagram, not having to search for Sienna's username because it was already in her search history. Camryn joined the live, waiting for it to connect.

"I just seriously thought what me and Jack had was serious. Like, we were doing so well till we went to Michigan. I wanted to trust Camryn, but she was all over Jack the whole time and wanted to spend time alone with him." Camryn was appalled.

"I trusted Jack, but now I see that maybe I shouldn't have trusted him. It was as clear as day that those two had something to do with each other. Frankly, I thought she was fucking Quinn. Those two were strangely close, it was weird. I figured that she liked Quinn, so I just left it alone. But now I see, I see that it was her and Jack all along."

Camryn felt her eyes water, mostly from the embarrassment that came from this. She knew Sienna was crazy, she knew that Sienna always wanted the last laugh in all this. It just hurt that she had to paint Camryn as such a bad person.

"Don't even get me started on Camryn guys. All the boys call her Sunny, some stupid ass nickname. I knew that I couldn't even trust Luke's girlfriend. Camryn and Hayden both were always running around. Oh my gosh, then there was this Ashlyn girl. She was so annoying. Camryn was the worst one of all. She smoked weed everyday, and it stunk. One time she cornered me in the kitchen and blew up on me because I was interrupting a smoke sesh. Camryn is crazy,"

Camryn finally left the live, not wanting to hear anymore of what Sienna had to say. She set her phone down next to her, then ran a stressed hand through her hair. It was all bullshit. Sienna was just mad, but that gave her no right to say what she said. Camryn finally let her tears fall, her eyes burning.

Camryn was embarrassed, extremely embarrassed. Though, nothing that Sienna said was true, it still embarrassed her to be put on blast like that on social media. Camryn wasn't sure when Jack would be back, so she decided to text him about the information.

sunny ❤️
sienna just absolutely put me on blast on Instagram live, I give you permission to handle this as you please.

man can camryn ever catch a break?
( no ❤️)

rosie posie

cool about it ,, jh86Where stories live. Discover now