21. celebrations

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21. celebrations
real life (18 +)

EXCITED FLOODING CAMRYN'S BODY AFTER SHE RECEIVED THE PHONE CALL. All her anxiety and restless nights seemed to subside with one simple phone call. Camryn had spent a whole day applying for jobs, sending in resumes and cover letters, and she's heard back from a few jobs. The one job she really wanted to hear back from finally reached out, scheduling an interview for tomorrow.

It was short notice, sure, and that should've been an immediate red flag. Camryn ignored it though, simply basking in the opportunity. She couldn't wait to tell Jack, but he was at morning skate, so she just waited for him to arrive back.

At about 11 AM, Jack finally came through the front door, stepping around the large trash bag that held Sienna's stuff. Camryn was practically bursting with excitement, standing from the couch in the living room.

"What's got you all excited?" Jack asked, closing the distance between the two with a tight hug.

"It got an interview, the one I've been waiting for!" Camryn cheered, clapping her hands together.

Jack could tell by the bright glimmer in her eye that she was elevated in excitement. Jack widened his eyes, a smile painting his face. He wraps his arms around Camryn once more, this time picking her up and spinning her around.

"I am so proud. And you said finding a job here would be hard." Jack set her down, on her back comfortingly.

"I haven't gotten the job yet, Jack. Just an interview." Camryn shook her head at him.

"Still is a good thing, Sunny. I think this needs a celebration." Jack flashes her a goofy grin.

"I haven't even gotten the job yet!"


THE TEQUILA WARMED HER COLD BODY QUICKER THAN THE LONG SLEEVE SHIRT HAD EVER DONE. Camryn was two shots deep, painfully gagging with both shots. A few of Jack's teammates had joined them at the bar. Camryn had met some of them before, like Nico or Ty, but there were a few unfamiliar faces.

The first was Nico's girlfriend, Haven. She was a sweet girl, Camryn liked her already. There were a few boys, whose names were now unimportant to her, that gathered in the booth with Jack. Camryn sat squished next to Jack, practically on his lap. As another teammate cheered, sitting down with the group, Camryn now was actually sitting on Jack's lap.

She was constantly moving to lean forward and look at whatever Haven was trying to show her. Jack unfortunately felt his dick twitch with every movement. He huffed out a groan, drowning the whiskey that sat in front of him.

Camryn leaned back, now turning to look at Jack. She had a drunken smile plastered on her face, staring at Jack. "What, pretty boy? Your back here huffin' and puffin' over whiskey." Camryn joked.

Jack shifted his position, moving his hips slightly as he moved. Camryn felt the hard member poke against her thighs, and her mouth dropped. Jack pushed some of her hair behind her ear, leaning forward to whisper in her ear.

"Stop moving, you know what you are doing to me." Jack whispered, leaning back into the cushion of the booth.

"Anyone down for another around of shots?" Haven asked, hoping at least Camryn would be down to have a shot.

Camryn, now flustered, nodded cheerfully. "Yes, yes, come on!" Both girls shuffled out of the booth.

All the boys were now engaging in a group conversation, but Jack's eyes were locked on Camryn the whole time. He knew the bar scene, he knew how men acted. This was mostly because he would hit on girls at the bar, a lot. So just to keep his mind at ease, he made sure Camryn stayed in his few point.

Jack watched as Camryn downed not one, but two shots of presumably tequila. He watched as her and Haven decided to stick it out on the dance floor. Jack also noticed when a few eyes were lingering on the wasted girls.

Jack nudged Nico, pointing to the two girls dancing. "Come on, Cap. They can barely stand." Jack sighs watching them hold onto each other.

Nico groaned, seemingly reading Jack's mind. "Haven can't casually drink, she always gets hammered." Nico grumbled sliding out of the booth.

Jack followed hot on his trail. "Yeah neither can Camryn."

After was seemed like an hour of getting the two girls to separate, both mumbling about how they are best friends now and random other drunk woman comments. Jack was carrying Camryn out of the bar, considering this was the only way he could get her to leave.

"Did you have fun?" Jack asked, putting her down in the passenger seat of his Range Rover. Jack buckled her seat belt.

"I did!" Camryn cheered, slumping against the back of the seat.

Jack chuckled, placing a kiss on the top of her head. He shut the door, then got into the drivers seat. He only had one or two drinks, he was practically sober from trying to wrangle Camryn out the door.

"I see you made a new friend." Jack smiled, reaching over to interlocked their hands.

"Mhm, I did. She's nice." Jack could hear the incoherent slurs that laced her words.

Once they got home, or Jack's home, he once more carried in inside. Camryn refused to leave the bed, laying on top of the blankets that scattered the mattress. Jack watched her try to wriggle out of her clothes, ultimately failing immediately.

"Do you need help?" Jack asked, trying his hardest to stifle his laughter.

"Please." Camryn whined, flopping her arms on the bed in defeat.

Jack finally left out laughter while grabbing clothes for her to change into. He decided on an older hockey t-shirt of his, and whatever pajama shorts she had brought with her. When Jack turned around, he could see Camryn staring at the wall with a sort of dazed look.

"Sunny, can you sit up?" Jack asked, tossing the clothes onto the bed.

Camryn shook her head, grumbling something under her breath. Jack sighed, helping her sit up fully. He helped her unzip her dress, quickly put her clothes on to avoid any awkward encounter with seeing her naked. After Jack got Camryn in pajamas, he helped her lay down. Jack threw some blankets over her, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"You are so going to kill me in the morning, Sunny."

I love happy Jack and Cam.
Also, Haven will become more
of a main character in the third
(final) act. so just let's put a pin
in her.

rosie posie

cool about it ,, jh86Where stories live. Discover now