09. weed talks

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09. weed talks
real life

CAMRYN AND QUINN SAT ON HER DOCK. THEY'VE BEEN SITTING IN SILENCE FOR TWENTY MINUTES, JUST PASSING A BLUNT BACK AND FORTH. Quinn had texted her previously, asking to talk to her. Camryn agreed, needing a little bit of Quinn advice.

"So, did you come here just to chief my weed?" Camryn joked, ashing the blunt on the wood.

"Sienna flew back today, Jack kicked her out." Quinn admitted, looking over at her.

"No fucking way?" Camryn widened her eyes at him, not believing it.

"Yup, he didn't tell me much. Jack seemed pretty pissed." Quinn continued, recalling the events of the afternoon.

"Crazy, you know what she told me right?"

"No, what?"

"Well, she heard me and the girls talking about how I loved Jack more than a friend. Then the other night in the kitchen, she called me a whore and said she was surprised I hadn't tried anything. It really hurt my feelings." Camryn explained, taking a longer drag from the blunt.

"Damn, what a bitch." Quinn shook his head. "Mom and Jack argued about her too. I was going downstairs, but paused when I heard them talking. I think she might've knocked some sense into him."

"Ellen for the fucking win." Camryn joked, making Quinn laugh.

The silence was back, the blunt now nothing but a roach. Camryn flicked it into the lake, watching it float away.

"How have you been sleeping?" Quinn asked, looking back over at her.

Camryn shifted slightly, shrugging. "I usually have to hit the dap pen to sleep, I stopped trying to get sleeping pills to work."

"So, not much better."

Camryn scrunched her face, nodding at the boy. "I don't get the nightmares as much, it's just hard to fucking fall asleep."

"Yeah." Quinn replied. "Wanna go back? The house is now detoxic." Quinn joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Fuck yeah. Is Ellen home? I miss my queen." Camryn smiled at Quinn,

"She sure is!"


QUINN, CAMRYN, AND ELLEN WERE SCATTERED ON THE COUCH. They were watching a Real Housewives rerun, which is one of Ellen's favorite shows. They haven't talked much, besides when Ellen was explaining the drama to the two.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, really quick." Quinn excused himself.

The girls paid no attention to him leaving, keeping their focus on the show.

"Oh I'm so glad you are here, Sunny!" Ellen cheered, smiling over at the girl.

Ellen knew she was high, but she didn't care. Ellen also knew how much pot the girl had smoked in her lifetime, but Camryn was still making a name for herself, so it wasn't a big deal to Ellen.

"I've missed Michigan. Vancouver is great, but it's nothing compared to being here." Camryn smiled at Ellen.

"I'm also thankful Jack got that girl out of the house. I don't like her much." Ellen started to gossip.

"I didn't either, and you know it takes a lot for me to not like someone. Sienna was just, overly rude to me." Camryn shrugged.

"I'm going to be honest Camryn, I didn't think Jack would ever date someone that wasn't you." Ellen gave the girl a sincere smile.

"Well, me and Jack are just good friends, you know that." Camryn excused the comment.

"I know." Ellen briefly turned her attention back to the show. "Me and Jim just always thought you guys would get married. It's a silly thing that us parents do."

Camryn giggled, shaking her head. "No I get it, my parents told me the same thing."

Ellen let out a breath of relief. "It's nice to have a conversation that isn't getting interrupted by fifty Instagram notifications."

Camryn laughed, putting her hand over her mouth. "Yeah, that influencer life isn't for me."

"Shouldn't be for her either."

Both girls laugh, turning their attention back to the show. Camryn loved Ellen, finding her presence a joy to have around.

Ellen and Camryn watched the rest of the episodes that played for the night, not realizing that Quinn never returned to the living room. It was Quinn's plan all along, he wanted Ellen and Camryn to talk. It was only a plan on his part, but Ellen sure did appreciate it.

When the last episode ended, and the two glasses of wine were empty, Camryn stood up to say her goodbyes.

"Alright, Miss.Ellen, I'm gonna head back home." Camryn smiled, standing up from the couch.

"Before you leave, I have a question." Ellen paused.

"What's up?"

"Do you like Jack?" Ellen asked.

"Well of course! He's been my best friend forever." Camryn answered, taking the easy way out of the question.

"No, Sunny, I mean do you like Jack."

Camryn paused, looking over at the woman. "I love him."

also quinn and cam are my fav
platonic besties <3

rosie posie

cool about it ,, jh86Where stories live. Discover now