39. cool about it

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39. cool about it
real life

IT WAS THE END OF ETERNAL SUFFERING. Her rough college years, rough job choice, rough contemplation on her love life, all of it was the end.

The end of panic attacks, sleepless nights, days where Quinn would have to quite literally drag her out of bed.

The end of social media hate, being under constant scrutiny from a girl who didn't even really love Jack, fake friends and lovers who didn't really care.

It all came down to this moment in time.

Camryn and Jack were laying on the back seat of the boat, no one around to make jokes or poke fun at Jack's softness. It was a comfortable silent where two lovers decided they wanted to be alone together.

Two lovers who seemingly went through hell and back. Two lovers who had to deal with miscommunication and constant pining.

Camryn had her eyes closed, humming every so often to the soft music that played quietly in the background. She was shrunken into Jack's body, laying on top of him.

Jack kept his eyes on her, admiring while she rested. His hands ran through her tangled hair, gently tugging at the knots. Every so often he'd place a kiss to the top of her head, then he would feel a small smile against his chest.

Neither party wanted to move, wanting to stay under the scalding sun forever.

The summer was coming to an end, but unlike last summer, this time it would be filled with happy memories. Not regrets and heartbreak.

Jack sat up slightly, a quiet whine coming from Camryn.

"Much different than last year, yeah?" Jack spoke quietly, as if there were people to wake up on the boat.

Camryn lifted her head slightly. "What is?" She asked, confusion lacing her voice.

"Everything, Sunny, everything," Jack explained, resting his hands on her back.

Camryn let out a small laugh , completely sitting up straight. "Well this year I wasn't constantly being scrutinized, and I didn't have to deal with miscommunication,"

Jack rolled his eyes with a laugh.

"I also didn't have to feel the despair when the man I loved for so many years showed up in Michigan with a girl," Camryn paused. "Because that girl was me this time."

"I wouldn't have had it any other way," Jack's face had a small smile, a loving look as he gazed at Camryn.

"Would be bad if you wanted it another way," Camryn joked.

The two looked at each other, silence filling the boat once more. Jack pulled Camryn back down onto his lap, his fingers running through her tangled hair.

"You wanna know something?" Jack's voice was low, not too loud. He felt Camryn nod. "My mom actually didn't think I had the balls to ever admit my feelings to you. Seriously." Jack admitted.

"I knew that, me and Ellen have chats, Jack." Camryn had a smile on her face. "Actually, I admitted to her that I loved you before you even left Sienna. It's funny how that works."

"You told my mom?" Jack asked, a loud laugh coming from his mouth.

"She asked! I'm not going to lie to her." Camryn defended herself, pushing Jack slightly.

"Can I tell you something?" Jack questioned, his eyes peering down at Camryn.

"Of course," Camryn replied.

Jack cleared his throat, glancing up at the lake briefly. "I've been in love with you since I was fourteen years old and saw you on your dock. All that stupid love at first sight shit. So, when Quinn became friends with you, it was because I was too nervous to talk to you, so I sent him. I'm so thankful I sent him, I probably would've ran away from you if you spoke to me,

I think after all these years of me pining for you, not realizing that you were actually feeling the same way, really impacted me. I mean, sometimes I wonder how I didn't realize. You were there for me during the hardest year of my life. You stood by my side and supported me. I don't know how I didn't know.

You did such a great job of being cool about it. Especially when I brought Sienna. Though, there were a few times I could see the pain in your eyes, I just never brought it up. I'm really sorry I didn't notice it sooner, because god Camryn, I'm so in love with you."

Camryn attentively listened, not sure of what to say back. She thought for a minute, her brain picking for things to say back to Jack.

"I think I did a worse job of noticing, only because I had Quinn chirping in my ear. Last summer was easily the best acting job I could've ever done. Trust me, it was so hard to be cool about it. I felt like I was method acting, like I couldn't really be me. But, I'm grateful it all worked out. Because, Jack, I'm so in love with you too."

authors note
i'm so emotional i'm so
sad. this book was like the
first one i've ever really put
time and effort into. it's
done, but i'm not done
with mr jh86 (wink)

thank you to all the support
and comments and votes
i appreciate them so much
and i see you all <3

be ready for a new story
soon!! with all the love,


cool about it ,, jh86Where stories live. Discover now