10. big accidents

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10. big accidents
real life

THE PAST FEW DAYS HAD BEEN BETTER THAN BEFORE. Without having to watch her every move, Camryn was able to be herself now. She didn't have to worry about Sienna's unnecessary judgment, nor did she have to worry about hate from the girl.

The group decided they'd take a much needed night out, all going to Stanley's together.

Stanley's was the local bar in their town. It was infamous for never checking ID's, letting underage kids in constantly. Though, most of the adults were of age to drink, Hayden and Luke were not. So, scumming in shitty bars was the usual.

Both Jack and Camryn were clinging to each other the whole night, considering they haven't gotten to spend much time together this summer. Trevor found it hilarious, since he knew about Jacks love for the girl. Quinn, on the other hand, knew that this would leave Camryn stuck in her head.

"Jack! I need another drink." Camryn whined, slumping in front of the man.

Jack, extremely sober, shook his head. "Sunny, you are on round five." Jack replied, declining her attempt.

"Please! I've been bullied the past two weeks." Camryn kept trying.

"Negative, where did Ashlyn go?" Jack asked, shouting over the blasting music.

"She disappeared with Trev. I knew them two had a thing for each other." Camryn let out a chuckle.

"Jeez." Jack led the girl back to the corner booth, the same one they sat in the other night.

"Sunny is wasted," Jack laughed, sitting down.

"As per usual." Quinn replied, watching the drunk girl collapse in the booth.

"She will regret this in the morning." Hayden laughed, pretty drunk as well.

The group chatted for a few minutes, until a disheveled Trevor and Ashlyn came stumbling back. They both looked like they had spent the past 30 minutes fooling around.

"You two must've had fun." Luke joked, gesturing to the two.

"Don't worry about it, Hughesy." Trevor hit his shoulder.

The group laughed, starting to tease the two.

"Jack, I'm ready to go home." Camryn whispered to the boy, leaning closer to him.

cool about it ,, jh86Where stories live. Discover now