26. fight

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26. fight
real life

ANOTHER WEEK WENT BY WITHOUT SEEING EACH OTHER. Jack was busy with the second round of playoffs, game three was going to be played tonight. Jack and Camryn were frequently texting, and she even wished him a good luck before this game.

Secretly, Camryn was going to watch him. She hadn't yet went back to his home, but she was planning on going back home soon.

Ellen and Jim picked her up from the hotel, both not crossing the boundary of asking why she was staying there in the first place. Camryn asked to keep her appearance a secret from Jack. She wanted to surprise him, since she had told him that she couldn't go.

Camryn was excited to watch him play, this was one of the only times she had been able to watch him this season.

Camryn sat next to Ellen, Jim was grabbing drinks for them. Ellen let out a sincere sigh, grabbing Camryn's hand.

"Hotel?" Ellen gave Camryn a sincere look.

Camryn was expecting this to come up, it wasn't surprising. "Er- Yeah, me and Jack had a few problems, but it's worked out now." Camryn confirmed, giving Ellen a small smile.

"I could tell something was wrong, he's been out of his game."

A small comment that had a lot of baggage. Jack was out of his game because of this meaningless problem, which was actually just Camryn's over reaction. After talking with him, and just trying to reel in her own thoughts, Camryn came to the conclusion that she was overreacting. It was a situation that could've been handled.

But she chose to not let it be handled.

"He should be better now, less in his head." Camryn hopefully spoke.

As the warm ups concluded, the game was now in a full swing. Camryn knew Jack for a long time, and she knew when someone was pissing him off. It was normal for Jack to just let most chirps roll off his back, but for some reason, Camryn could tell this wasn't the same.

Sebastian Aho was on Jack's ass all night, Camryn could see them making smart comments to each other. Camryn could also see the annoyance and anger in Jack's body.

The first period went smoothly, the Devil's leading by three. Jack was playing much better than he had been, but there was a small amount of malice in his movements. Camryn thought it was just because he lost his tooth - which was a look she was hoping would be fixed quickly - Jack claimed the missing tooth made him a real hockey player.

When the second quarter rolled around, Jack had a bit more aggression in his game.

"He's being awfully aggressive Jim." Ellen muttered under her breath, giving her husband a worried look.

"He's a hockey player, El, he'll be fine."

By the time Jim spoke the words, a fight erupted on the ice. Jack had enough of Aho's chirps and dirty cross-checks. Jack took him to the ice, throwing punches left and right.

Ellen had let out a rather loud gasp, Jim just had his hand covering his laughter. Camryn's jaw dropped, a small groan leaving her mouth.

"I'm going to kill him." Camryn rolled her eyes.

"Jim, don't encourage this." Ellen nudged his arm, making Jim turn his face serious.

They watched as Jack skated to the penalty box.

"I'm excited to hear what this was about." Camryn muttered, taking a long sip from her beer.


Camryn was left by herself, waiting by Jack's car.

The boys had a press interview, making his after game routine last a little longer. Camryn was scrolling through Instagram when she seen Jack finally come out of the stadium. She shoved her phone into her purse.

When Jack unlocked his car, she got into the passenger seat, waiting for him to put his things in the trunk.

It was complete silence when Jack got into the car, for some reason he was worried.

"A fight?" Camryn spoke, looking over at Jack with a smirk.

"He was just playing dirty." Jack shrugged, starting the car.

"Mhm, usually you don't care about that shit." Camryn continued, buckling her seat belt.

Jack let out a quiet laugh, starting the drive back to his house. "He was saying some shitty things, had to let him know what's up." Jack finally blurted.

"Like what? Also, Oakie is at your house. Didn't want to leave him in the hotel."

"Just shit about you, and us." Jack glanced over at her.

"Aw, look at you. Defending me for once. I won!" Camryn sarcastically clapped her hands.

Jack had an amused look on his face, shaking his head at her. "Mhm,"

"You smell, by the way. I forget how much you guys stink after playing." Camryn gagged, jokingly.

"Yeah, shut up."

The car ride home was filled with banter and laughter. For once, the odds were in their favor. There wasn't a girl to constantly tear down their relationship, distance that kept them apart, or unspoken words that caused uncertainty.

For once, everything was okay.

did the chapter name worry you?
here's to the end of act two! one more left
and i promise there will be more fluff.
they are happy now and will remain.

thank you for all the support,
act three will be here soon :)

rosie posie

cool about it ,, jh86Where stories live. Discover now