12. confessions and storms

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12. confessions and storms
real life

THE WALK TO THE HUGHES HOUSEHOLD FELT PAINFULLY LONGER THAN IT USUALLY DID. The dark clouds were wandering in, meaning there was going to be a storm.

Camryn's mom had been tracking the storm all morning, telling her how bad it was going to be. Camryn didn't let the bad vibes from the storm kill her confidence.

Today was the day, she was going to tell Jack. Nothing was going to get in her way. It killed her to be around him after she kissed him, and she just needed to know how he felt.

Camryn knocked, and Luke was the one who came to the door.

"Where's J-"

"He's in his room." Luke interrupted, letting her into the house.

"How do you know I was looking for him and not Jim?" Camryn joked.

"Just a great guess." Luke replied, laughter sounding in his voice.

Camryn walked through the house, and up the spiral staircase. Once she was met with Jack's shut door, her nerves started to kick in. She raised her hand to knock.

"Luke, I already told you I didn't want to work out today!" Jack shouted.

Camryn cracked open the door. "Not, Luke."

Jack's head quickly snapped to the door, realizing Camryn was the one who had knocked.

"Sorry, Luke's been asking to go workout." Jack shrugged.

Camryn nodded, shutting the door behind her. Her hands had become increasingly sweaty, so she wiped them on the back of her jean shorts.

"I need to talk to you." Camryn spoke, but it came out as more of a whisper.

"If it's about what happ-" Camryn quickly cut him off.

"It isn't, well it's mostly not." She replied.

Jack immediately loosened up, dropping his shoulders. "Well, then what's up? I feel like we haven't talked in forever."

Camryn sucked in a deep breath. "I know, that's my bad. Been avoiding a lot of things." Camryn shrugged.

"Uh, Jack. I just wanted to tell you that I.." Camryn trailed off, her eyes shifting everywhere but his own eyes.

"What?" Jack asked, his eyes begging her to tell him what was going on.

"Jack, I mean it's silly. We are adults now. Nevermind." Camryn shook her head, practically sprinting out of his room.

"But it isn't silly, and I want to know." Jack spoke, quickly rising to his feet to follow her.

Jack followed her all the way to the front door, where Camryn was now looking at the pouring rain.

"I just, when we were kids I used to like you." Camryn shrugged. It was only a half lie, mostly truth.

"I feel like that isn't all you had to tell me." Jack replied, seemingly annoyed.

"It is though." Camryn turned around to face him.

"I can tell by how you are acting that it isn't all of what you have to say." Jack rolled his eyes.

Jack knew what she was hinting at, it just annoyed him that she wouldn't just tell him. Or the fact she waited this long to tell him.

"God, Jack! I fucking love you and I always have!" Camryn shouted, looking him dead in the eye.

"Well it's too fucking late now, Camryn! In case you forgot, I'm still in a relationship!" Jack replied, matching the loudness of Camryn's voice.

"You mean the girlfriend that you kicked out because she was on the phone with another guy? The girlfriend that called me a whore? The girlfriend who made the first two weeks of being here a living fucking hell?" Camryn snapped, throwing her hands into the air.

"Yes that girlfriend. You never seen me like this when you brought over Lincoln, the fucking douchebag of Michigan?" Jack defended, pointing at himself.

"You have much better self control than me." Camryn spoke quietly.

The two looked at each other, chests rising quickly hoping to catch their breath. Camryn pushed her hair behind her shoulders.

"I'm going back to Vancouver tonight. Unless you tell me to stay." Camryn spoke as calmly as possible.

"Go to Vancouver, Camryn."

Camryn looked up at him with wide eyes, shaking her head. She turned on her heels and stormed out of the house. Halfway down the driveway, Camryn broke down crying, almost falling to her knees.

During the rest of the walk to her house, the entire drive to the airport, and the entire flight back to Vancouver, Camryn sobbed. She received sincere and worrisome looks from bystanders.

Camryn couldn't believe that Jack let her leave, and she never wanted to see him again.

ONE MORE! ONE MORE! fuck you
jack frl!

rosie posie

cool about it ,, jh86Where stories live. Discover now