23. a fool

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23. a fool
real life

THE UBER DRIVE WAS SHORT, FOR SOME REASON THERE WASN'T MUCH TRAFFIC. The driver kept passing apologetic looks back at Camryn, hoping the girl wasn't in too much of emotional distress. When the driver dropped her off, Camryn spotted an unfamiliar car in the drive way. The nauseas feeling from earlier settles back into a pit in her stomach.

Camryn walked inside, not bothering to knock. She noticed the trash bag had been moved from next to the door, to right in front of the door. Her body started to shake as she heard the familiar voice of Sienna's.

From here, Camryn could do two things; turn around and run as far as she could and never come back or walk into the living room. Considering her energy has completed subsided from the enormous amount of crying Camryn had been doing, she decided to just walk into the living room.

Right as Camryn entered the living room, she felt bile rise in her throat. Sienna had leaned in to kiss Jack. Camryn couldn't see Jack, and whether or not he kissed back. Her heart sank all the way to her toes. Camryn also couldn't tell if Jack pushed Sienna away, or if Sienna herself pulled away quickly.

Either way, Sienna was the first to see Camryn. A smirk shone brightly on her face.

"I presume your interview didn't go well. Thank you for my things Jacky." Sienna grabbed her trash bag of things and practically skipped out of the house.

Jack didn't move, in shock that Sienna had just kissed him. She kissed him in front of Camryn. It all made sense in his mind. The moment Sienna knew that Camryn was gone, she created a plan in less than a minute. First, she wanted to take down Camryn, now she wanted to ruin everything.

"Are you going to say something, or just sit there in silence Jack?" Camryn asked, her voice breaking due to the loud sobs that were escaping her mouth in the uber.

"I didn't do it." Jack spoke, still not turning to face Camryn. "She refused to leave without talking to me, I shut down every attempt she made Camryn, I'm sorry." Jack tried to explain.

He finally turned around to face Camryn. This is when Jack seen her swollen face, knowing that she had already been crying before she got home. His eyes racked down her body before stopping on an already bruising hand print. Jack quickly shot up, rushing over to Camryn.  But she was quick to take a step back.

"Don't. I've had one of the worst days in my life, all I wanted to do was come back to you. But when I come back, I see your ex's car in the driveway, and her lips on yours!" Camryn was shouting by the end of her sentence. "Do you think I'm a fool?" Camryn cried.

"Camryn, no! No, I don't. I promise I didn't do anything but let her in."

Camryn scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You let her in. That's where all of it started." Camryn shook her head.

"What happened at the in-" 

Camryn was quick to cut him off. "No! You don't get to just change the subject!" Camryn was sobbing at this point.

Camryn's sobs were making her body shake, and all the anxiety she had felt throughout the day was finally hitting her. Jack watched as Camryn's body shook profusely, and he decided he need to step in. Jack pull her tightly in his arms, feeling his t-shirt quickly get wet from her tears.

"Why not me Jack? Why can't it ever be me?" Camryn's voice was shuddered, almost inaudible due to the sobs.

"It's always been you, Sunny. I promise,"

Camryn wanted to believe him, and frankly she did believe him. But with the weight of the entire day on her shoulders, she couldn't think straight.


JACK HAD CALMED CAMRYN DOWN AT SOME POINT, AND WAS NOW LETTING HER HIDE OUT IN HIS ROOM. Jack promised not to bother her, he promised to give her time. This was exactly what he was doing.

Jack blocked Sienna on every platform he could, even going as far to block her on apple music. It was an silly thing, but Jack was fuming that Sienna had pulled the stunts he did. He was even more fumed at the fact he fell for it.

Jack heard footsteps, and what sounded like a suitcase come down his stairs. He looked up, making direct eye contact with Camryn. Jack knit his brows in confusion, pointing at the suitcase.

"Are you going back to Vancouver?" He asked, his voice barely above a mere whisper.

"No, I'm staying in a hotel until I feel less suffocated. I'm sorry Jack." Camryn apologized. She pulled out her phone, then rushed towards the door.

"I'm sorry Sunshine, I'm so sorry." Jack whispered, watching her walk out the door.

Jack felt a tear slip out of his eye, and he was quick to wipe it. How could he fail at loving her? How could Jack fail at doing something so simple? Jack was too careless with his actions, and now both him and Camryn had to suffer to to it.

There was one thing Jack did know for sure, the one thing that he could keep. Jack Hughes would never see, speak, or text Sienna Schmidt ever again. Nor, would he let Camryn slip out of his hands.

jacks actually on my shit
list right now don't ask why.
he's being very mr. mistake
right now. i promise it gets
better i'm so sorry don't yell at
me 🫣

rosie posie

cool about it ,, jh86Where stories live. Discover now