[1st Chapter: The Far Shore.]

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I've been walking for god knows how long... the ache in my feet is already settling in. Not to mention the salty waters of the far shore are seeping through my boots. 'God this is a pain...!' I yell in my head. The location I seem to be in is the far shore. The borderline of life and death. Creatures known as "Apparitions" roam this plain freely. Having free will to roam to wherever they wish. But for me, I am a normal- well... normal would be an overstatement for whatever my family is... to put it plainly- I am an Exorcist. I am [Reader] Seimei. I belong to a family full of famous exorcists!

But at this point- I've been wandering on the far shore... I once was on a mission to exterminate a potential threat, and during a fight with a fish beast- I got kicked across the field- over debris and recked builds, and I got lost as a result

I groaned as I looked around. 'This is absolute torture!!'. But as I was gonna tear wherever I was to shreds- I noticed a cave in the further bit of a mountain, infused with a skyscraper.

With the little strength I had left, I ran for the cave. Upon entering. The walls were moist and cold. The air was foggy and dreaded as I continued inside. The water seemingly got more and more higher, almost reaching my knees. I sighed as I kept going in deeper and deeper. When I got to the end. It was a big cavern, some vines going down- while most of the wall of the cave was covered in moss. Its floor wasn't visible, for salty waters covered it. But what caught my eye was- a black floating fireball... just floating in the center. It seems to be the only source of light in the room...

I started to approach the ball of flame. I gripped onto the handle of my katana and continued onwards. I am now face to face with the flame, and I tap on it- the flame sapped away from me in a quick flash and hovered above me. I brought my weapon in front of me, before pointing it above me.

"You! Uh- ball...thing...?" I say zero confidence behind my words. God this was nerve-wracking! I continued to point my katana at the ball of flames- before it burst into a bigger one. I got frightened and fell onto my back. I looked up mesmerised by the sight before me. There were all kinds of colors. I see hues of Blue- Green- black- and purple! The flames soon calmed down, Before completely evaporating. In the center- I see- a boy!?! he-she or well, IT! seemed to be no more than my age! He soon started to fall- before I dropped my katana, and I managed to catch him in my arms- before he could make an impact on the water-covered floors.

God... l couldn't see anything! As if he was a dark shadow- but up close... ' It must be a- "in the process of manifesting Apparition"...' I thought to myself. I settled him down, and he looked like he was lying on his... back. Stomach? I have no clue... I stood over him for a few seconds, trying to grasp what the hell he even looked like. Before his upper body shot up scaring the living daylights out of me!

"Are- are you okay?" I say as I crouched down to his level. And I put my hand over his forehead. 'He's cold!' I thought, before taking my jacket off and putting it onto the boy. "How did you end up here... hmm.. here- once help arrives- I'll help yo-" before I could finish my sentence. The thing grips my hands- that was nicely nested on his shoulders. And he threw them off of him. "Ouch!"

It mumbled some stuff that I didn't hear, and I sighed. "LISTEN! we're stuck here together... Some crazy fish beast is outside currently- and I'm out of energy to fight it at the moment. So if you want to get out of here- unharmed- we gotta stay here..." I say as I sit on the rocks. "So- got a name?". I say, as I bring my knees to my chest, rest my elbow on my knee, and rest my head onto the palm of my hand.

The thing wobbly made its way next to me and sat down. "T-t-tsu...." It said, in a grouchy voice, its vocal cords probably haven't fully formed yet... oh well! "Tsu? Nice, you know, you're pretty chill for an apparition. Most are- intimidating, rude, inhuman, and disgusting- but you're kind of okay..." I say with a gentle smile on my face, trying to appear as friendly as possible.

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