[3rd Chapter; A fresh New Face]

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You found yourself in your homeroom classroom, taking a moment to settle into your seat by the doors. As you sat down, your mind began to wander, lost in your thoughts. Soon enough, the teacher entered the room and started explaining the lesson for the day. Your attention slowly drifted away from the teacher's words, your gaze fixated on the window opposite of your desk. The soft breeze whispered through the glass, carrying with it the scent of fresh blossoms from the nearby garden. Your mind wandered to distant places, far beyond the confines of the classroom walls. You had imagined yourself doing anything BUT school, yet here you are... But as your daydreams carried you further into unknown territories, a nagging voice in the back of your mind reminded you of reality.

The weight of unfinished assignments and looming deadlines pressed upon your shoulders, reminding you that there was work to be done. Reluctantly, You pulled yourself back to the present moment. You refocused your attention on the teacher's voice, determined to absorb every piece of knowledge being shared. You soon felt a tap on your shoulder and turned to see your classmate, Natsuhiko Hyuga, requesting a spare pencil.

"Hey, do you have an extra pencil? Beautiful?" Natsuhiko's voice barely reached your ears, as if carried by a gentle breeze. You turned to face him, with a not-so-enthusiastic look plastered on your face. your reply was equally hushed.

"Sure, here you go." you handed him a sharpened pencil, your fingers brushing briefly in the exchange. Natsuhiko smiled gratefully, his eyes gleaming with appreciation. His messy red and black hair was styled into an undercut. He has grey eyes. He is considered quite good-looking, as noted by the girls in your class. He also wears the usual Kamome Academy High School boy's uniform. His uniform shirt is unbuttoned and has its sleeves rolled up to reveal a teal, long-sleeved t-shirt. He also wears a germanium necklace with a red cord, 'strange.'

"Thanks," he whispered, his words barely audible amidst the classroom's muted atmosphere. You nodded softly and returned your attention to the teacher at the front of the room. But before you could fully immerse yourself in the lesson again, Natsuhiko leaned closer, his voice barely above a whisper." I hope we can finish this project soon," he murmured, his tone carrying a hint of longing.

A flicker of understanding passed between them. You nodded subtly, sharing his sentiment. "Me too," you replied softly, your voice tinged with boredom. As the teacher continued with the lesson, Natsuhiko leaned closer to You, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He whispered a joke so funny that You couldn't help but snicker at the joke. "God that's dumb!" You let out, looking at him, while slight laughter escapes your lips.

But just as you were both enjoying the moment, an abrupt "ahem" from your guys teacher shattered the air. The room fell silent, and all eyes turned toward them. Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as you quickly composed yourself, trying to stifle any remaining giggles. Natsuhiko's grin faded slightly, replaced by a sheepish expression. "Sorry, teach..." Natsuhiko muttered. You both knew you two had been caught in a moment of lightheartedness amidst the serious classroom atmosphere.

With a gentle nod from your teacher, you reluctantly returned your focus to the lesson, suppressing any further laughter that threatened to escape. After class, You and Natsuhiko gathered your guys belongings and made your way out of the classroom.

A playful smile tugged at the corners of Natsuhiko's lips as he fell into step beside you."So," he began, his voice filled with a mischievous undertone, "what do you say we grab some ice cream to celebrate surviving that lesson?" You chuckled, your eyes sparkling with amusement.

"I could use a sweet treat after all that, So why not" You replied, playfully nudging him with your elbow. You both walked together down the hallway, your laughter mingling with the chatter of other students. As you both reached the school's exit, Natsuhiko extended his arm, holding open the door for You. "Allow me," he said with a mock bow, a teasing glimmer in his eyes. 

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