[17th Chapter: Inheritance]

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After leaving Yashiro, I gave her my number. I also soon returned to Sakura and handed her stuff over. Before leaving with Tiara. And it was onto home and sending out a very detailed paragraph to Yashiro, to warn her about- everything. Concerning the Seimei clan, and the extra's that'll be there. But oh well!!

Can't wait...

Yashiro's POV:

I returned home, feeling a little oozy from the sudden invitation from Ms Seimei... my upperclassmen... She was nice, yes! But on the inside... she almost seemed- sad... The overly bright Smile, and over enthusiastic nature. Seemed all too fake to be true...

I soon returned home, dropping the bag of Kibble for Black Canyon in the kitchen. I soon took a packet and went over to his little cage on my dresser, and fed his little dinner. Before sitting down at my desk, thinking over what to wear for tomorrow...

That's when a little notification can be heard buzzing from my phone. I picked it up and checked the notification out. It was a text message from Senpai!

Y/n Seimei:

[Yahoo~ Came here to notify you of what's to come tomorrow! And when I'll come over to pick you up! So the event starts at 6:PM Tomorrow evening (Of course !!)

And any formal attire is best suited! But a few words of advice... if you have a kimono, wear that instead! My old folks will be more likely to bat an eye at you than! And more likely for them to give you advice to break your curse. But hey! Do what you do best, just sit there and look pretty~ and everything will come flaking to you within a heartbeat!]


I looked at the message, a little baffled- but I thought for a moment, before going over to my closet. I searched through the heavily organised, and perfectly well suited dress and outfits for each occasion!! And I think...

"Nene-Darling, is everything alright?" My mom peeps through the door, looking a little perplexed by the look of my room. I looked over to her, not sure what to say. "Oh my! Did you get asked out?! Is this why your clothes are scattered everywhere!!" My mom lets out an excited squeal, as she comes into the room, her body no longer hiding behind the wall.

"Need any help?" She wore a typical white dress, with sleeves. The lacing has patterns of flowers and such. And wrapped around her was an apron. I looked at the "idea" of what I thought of wearing tomorrow, before slowly looking up at her. "I don't know... I've got this- thing with a friend tomorrow... and I don't want to disappoint them... they've been nothing but nice to me. And said I could learn a thing or two by going..." I looked down to my chosen outfit, and thought of Hanako.

"Stay away from Y/n Seimei... I got a bad feeling about them..."

His voice echoed through the back of my head. Why is my question... she seems to- nice... Yeah she's an Exorcist... and may or may have not threatened to kill the Clock Keepers and Hanako... but that's their job... right? I soon had a bit of a thought... Why did I agree to go? And why did she invite me in the first place? Was it out of genuine help? Or is she brewing some sick evil mastermindy scheme!! GASP! Or! Perhaps! She's with Tsukasa! Yeah! Maybe that's it! But I looked back at my Outfit, and thought to myself for a moment.

"Nene Dear... you're doing that weird bit where you go deep in thought, and start doing weird hand signals..." I completely forgot she was here!! I looked at my closet, and back to her. A meak smile creeping onto my lips.

"Can I... borrow your Kimono?" I say in a hushed voice, not wanting to startle my mother. My mothers red rosy eyes lit up as she scampered out of the room. I stood up, following her, and I peeped inside of her bedroom. Seeing her bent over and searching underneath her bed. She soon stands up and has a huge box, planting on her bed. "This has been passed down throughout our family... AND I FINALLY GET TO DRESS YOU UP IN IT!!" She squeals, as she brings me into a hug.

"You know... you've been acting strange ever since school started... and I was a little worried for a bit.... Now realising it-" She cupped my face, as I looked up at her. "You're all grown up...! And I couldn't be more thankful..." She soon placed her forehead on mine, letting her eyes closed.

"And now look at you!! Going out!! Gah! I'm so proud!!" She says, before letting go of my face, and taking off the cover of the box, revealing a lovely Kimono, embroidered with flowers, and golden threads.

My mom blew on it, to relieve it of the extra dust laying on it. And she handed it over to me. She patted me on the head and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Try it on! And if it's a good fit- hand it up on your closet wall, and wear it to your friends event~!" She says, before leaving me in her room. I held onto the Kimono, before departing to the restroom, to try it on.

After some trial and error... It fits! A little too well- The sleeves aren't drowning me, and the Kimono isn't loose or tight on me, the perfect size. I spun around in it, admiring how it looked on me. I walked out, wanting to show my mom!

I walked down the hall, adjusting to the shoes. I walked into the kitchen, where she was cooking for tonight's dinner. She turned around, and her eyes sparkled in delight. "Oh my darling!!! You look gorgeous!! Look at you...!" She says, as she puts her spatula down, and walking over to me, putting both her hands on my shoulders.

"You look beautiful. A true eye catcher!!" She teases, before going back to her cooking. I looked down at me, and smiled a bit- before deciding to go take it off and hang it on my wall for tomorrow.


The next day rolled around, and I was fully dressed ready to go! My hair was in a bun, and my broch sat nicely in my side bangs. I dashed myself in a bit of makeup- but nothing too big to make me look unnatural!

I soon walked out of my room, and made my way out my door, waving off to my mother- before descending down the stairs of my apartment. Down the stairs, a black viecle waited for me, leaning on it. Were Y/n!!

They looked over to me, a soft look appearing on their face. They walked over to me, took my hand and guided me to the car.

"You look beautiful tonight, Yashiro-chan."

Lovesick: [YANDERE!Tsukasa Yugi x Reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن