[24th Chapter: Mr.Hajime.]

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[Rewind: The 28th of June]

A man in a black trench coat ignited his cigarette, which rested nicely between his upper and lower teeth. He blew the smoke to the side, as the policeman in front of him knocked on the door of the Seimei Residence.

"Yes?" A guy that stood at about 6'4, and well built answered the door. On further inspection. He looked to be in his mid twenties, and had forest green eyes. And slicked back black hair. In modern day standards, girls would be frothing at the sight of this man.

"Hello. Does- Ms Y/n Seimei live here?" The Policeman asks. Yuta tilts his head at the mention of their sibling. And only nods his head. "Alright. Is it fine if we can talk to her?" Yuta eyes both men, before leaning back. "Hey- uh. Y/n? The Police are here to see you!" He yells out. Moments later- A teenage girl with Long/Short H/c walks down. She wore a basic black t-shirt and sweatpants.

"Huh? Is something wrong?" She asks, as she approaches the door. The girl would be lying if she didn't feel just a tad bit anxious. "Yes. Hello, I am Detective Shārokku Hajime. Is it fine if we come in?" The man behind the policeman speaks up, as he steps forward. Y/n was a tad bit confused as she looked at Yuta with pleading eyes, so he could ask instead of them. "For- what reason may I ask?" Yuta pipes up, as his eyes narrow at the Detective. "We are to believe that Ms Y/n here is linked to the murder, and disappearances of 3 high school students." Y/n's and Yuta's eyes widen. Yuta could only nod, while making his way to the living room.

Yuta only gives Y/n a look of- 'What the hell is going on' And Y/n's only response was a shrug of their shoulders. Soon, they all settled in the living room. Yuta and Y/n sat on the two Armchairs, while the two men sat across from them on the couch. "Alright. Could you tell me your relationship with these four young men, Please?" Hajime says, sliding over four folders with small pictures in the corner, that was hooked with a paperclip.

Their eyes scanned over the four faces, and a bit of shock washes over their senses. "Yes... um... I used to tutor all four of them. I didn't have um, a close bond- or a friendship with either of them. Sir." They say, lifting up the folders and looking through each of them carefully.

"Alright. On the night of June the 19th. From 3:13 and 7:10 Where were you?" He asked in a serious, firm tone. "I was with my club mates... Sakura Nanamine, and Natsuhiko Huuyga. Then I walked outside and went with Yuta, back home. I think... 5:24? Then I stayed here and worked on some homework." They fidgeted with their fingers for a bit, while looking down. They were nervous- since they partially lied... But they can't really say that they were with a ghost boy. Could they?

Y/n lets a sigh, and sends Yuta a pleading look. Yuta pipes up, already figuring out what Y/n wanted. "I can confirm that we both went home." The detective raises an Eyebrow at the policeman. And let out a sigh. "I see..." He picks up three documents. And looked over at Y/n.

"And what about these three boys? Have you been in contact with either of them?" Y/n only shook their head. They soon looked down at their hands. "Is there... any particular reason why you're asking me...?" Y/n shoots them a sorrowful gaze. The detective, a bit taken aback. "In retrospect. Yes. all of them are linked to you in- a way... All seem to have taken a romantic interest in you, shown in the documents here..." He flipped through the pages of each folder. And placed it back onto the coffee table. There were several photos in each of the boys' rooms. And all the walls were clear photos of Y/n, at explicit and vulnerable times. Y/n's heart sank as they eyed the photos. Their eyes were wide and a visible expression of disgust was plastered on their face.

Yuta looked. And he could feel his anger rising. "What the fuck are these!?" Yuta yells out, slamming his fist to the table. "Just as they appear to be. Mr Seimei. We found evidence that these boys have taken a bit of an obsession with your sister." He looked over at the girl, who was on the verge of vomiting. "I- i-" They stutter, as they stand up, and shakily make their way to the kitchen. Upon arriving. They vomited in the sink, spilling out their evening snacks.

"And y-you believe. My sister would kill them?!" He shouts, standing up. "Not exactly... in truth. I believe someone else is responsible. But we are to believe that this person has also been a bit obsessive with your Sister." He also stands up, while doing a simple hand motion to the police officer. He scurries over to the coffee table and picks up all the filed documents.

"I hope we can be in touch, Mr Seimei. For now-" He looked over to Y/n. Who was cleaning their mouth with a napkin. Their eyes were glossy, and they eyed the floor. "I suggest keeping a keen eye on your Sister, and those who approach her. Here, have my card." He passes Yuta a quick business card. Before tipping his hat as a simple goodbye. And allowing himself to exit the house. "I- alright. Goodbye..." Yuta says, in a low tone.

And with that- They both leave. Yuta walks behind Y/n and pats them on the back. "Everything alright, sis?" He says, letting them cling to their clothing as they embrace one another. "I- i don't... think so..." Their eyes were still overwhelmed with tears. "Do you- do you think... a supernatural is the cause?" Yuta thought for a moment, and only shook his head. "I don't think so... as horrible as apparitions are... There aren't that many strong ones that possess the immense power to kill a living being, outside of their own rumour." Yuta says, rubbing their siblings back, in a slow and gentle motion.

"Just.. take it easy for now... if it truly is an apparition- they would know if you are acting weird... so- just for now." He lets go of the girl, and rests both of his hands on either of their shoulders. "Act... as if nothing is wrong. Alright?" Y/n could only blankly stare for a few short moments, before nodding. "Alright..". They soon walked off as they headed for the stairs. Feeling a bit- nauseating by the thought someone would be so obsessed with them... to the point they'd kill for them...

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