[22nd Chapter: A Picture Perfect Reality]

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[ This Chapter is undergoing some maintenance. And will be rewritten entirely! Feel free to come back later for the better/rewritten version, will be labeled with this emoji 🥀 :)]

I woke up in a cold sweat, as I shot up from my desk. I sweatted a bit while looking around me. My...classroom? Huh... I felt a tap on my shoulder as I was sitting there confused. I looked over and there, Natushiko's permanent ":3" greeted me.

"Cmon, The Runt and Sakura are waiting for us." Strange... But I nodded, taking my bag and swinging over my shoulder. I followed Natsuhiko closely behind, staring down at the floor. He turns around, now walking backwards. "Is something wrong, My Muse? You've been awfully quiet today." I looked up from the floor, and started to fidget with my fingers. "I had a strange dream... it's fine thoug-'' Soon, Warm arms slither their way around my waist, and a head rested itself on my shoulder.

"Hiii~!!" I know that voice... Natsuhiko does his weird salute bit. And I respond to the catlike apparition clinging to me "Morning Tsukas-" And that's when it hit me- He felt... warm-

I hear a familiar sigh behind me. As the boy on my back gets pulled away. "Tsukasa, it's not appropriate for you to do that to a girl. Especially Y/n." Sakura comments, as she holds Tsukasa by the back collar. She had a hand on her hip while the other held the "apparition". I turned around and Tsukasa was bickering away into Sakura's ear, while he wore the Schools Uniform, a red student council band wrapped around his arm.

I was stunned. Do I make a comment-? Do I say something??? Is he playing some sort of game and managed to convince Natsuhiko and Sakura to play along? Natsuhiko passes me and holds onto Tsukasa, pulling his cheek.

"What's... going on...?" I sweat. That's when students around us acknowledged all four of us. Muttering good mornings, and how are yous. They- acknowledged Tsukasa... "Are you doing alright, Y/n?" Sakura says, passing by the two boys, and putting a hand over my forehead. "Your body temperature is particularly high... Do we need to take you to the infirmary, Y/n?" Sakura says in a gentle, and soothing motherly tone.

"N-no... it's fin-" That's when Tsukasa pushes Sakura to the side, and takes my hand. "I'll take her~!" He exclaims. Now starting to drag me across the hall. Sakura and Natsuhiko exchange nervous looks before only nodding. "W-WAIT!! YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTIO-"


I was sitting on a cot while the nurse examined the temperature of my face. "You should be alright... just take this medication and you should be good as new." I nodded. Before he goes to his desk and brings out some pills for me to take. He looks over to Tsukasa and tells him to go get a cup of water for me. He nods and goes over to the water dispenser and takes out a plastic cup, filling it to the brim with water.

He quickly, but carefully comes over to pass me the water. The Nurse sighs to himself, while Tsukasa giggles. One false move, and this spills on me... "This is a little too much... but thank you..."

'Okay, Remain calm Y/n- this is all some sort of- dream! Yeah! Dream! He surely can't be... alive...' I put the pill in my mouth, and took a large sip of water. The nurse smiles, before taking the cup out of my hand, and excusing me. I nodded and walked out. Tsukasa followed closely behind.

He soon took my hand, and we held hands while walking across school. He felt- warm... so warm... Was he sweating? Must be. "H-hey Tsukasa..." He hums in response. I gulped a bit, trying to word this carefully. "This may sound weird... and I could be going crazy... but aren't you supposed to be dead...?" He stops for a bit. The silence makes this situation a little more unsettling.

Silence... more silence... not even the sounds of the wind could help me loosen up from how uncomfortable this is. I soon hear a slight giggle escape his lips, before he erupts into laughter. "Y/n-chan!! Don't be like that to your boyfriend!!" He lets out. As he stomps his feet, and puffs up his cheeks.

Lovesick: [YANDERE!Tsukasa Yugi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now