[12th Chapter: Sweet dreams~.]

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[Tsukasa's POV:]

I ripped its flesh, bit by bit. Smiling down at it, while it whimpered in pain. I laughed at it, as I continued to rip it apart, taring its legs apart, and snapping whatever bone it has that hasn't turned to dust yet....

I soon felt a heavy presence behind me. Threatening eyes piercing down at me. Before it could hit me, I gripped onto its "hand" and crushed it within my grasp. "Came to play too? GREAT!" I Pulled whatever I squashed to me, and I grabbed its head and smashed it into the tree. It looked slightly different... its mouth took over its entire face, the lips resembling yellow petals, almost like a sunflower! Its body was demented and skinny, the bones almost being visible. Its body looked so frail.... So easy to break... With one hand, I lifted its hand up in the air and broke its arm in two. He shrivelled up and before it could let out a cry for help. I took its head once more, and smashed it into the ground with full force.

"You'll probably be a problem later if I don't deal with you now..." I look up and look around the tree-filled field, and notice more lurking about.

"Hehe~ More Playmates! Put on a good show for me, K?"

[31 Minutes later]

Surrounding me were corpses of the Flower puppets. I "dusted" my hands off, Commanding Koku-joudai to clean me up, before making my way back to My [Reader]. Happily skipping my way over~! I'm delighted to see her again... She's wandering around, seeming lost. I happily smiled to myself, as I watched them wander around a bit. Before running towards a clearing in the far distance. I continue to follow her. Snapping some twigs in the process.. But that's alright!!

I saw her looking around her, admiring the viola's sprouting above the snow. She bent down, and took a flower in her hand, and sniffed it. She seems so happy... but I can make her happier.

I snuck up behind her, and pounced on them! "FOUND YOU!!~"

[Your POV:]

I yelped at the sudden contact, and fell face first into the snow. Tsukasa got off my back and pulled me up, a puzzled look on his face, and a displeased one on mine. He hugs me tightly, giving me pure puppy dog eyes for forgiveness... which I eventually cave in. I asked for him to guide us back to the black pine tree, and our stuff- and he happily obliges.

I grabbed our stuff, and walked over to the pine tree, letting my head rest against the wood. I sighed in relief as I looked up at the snow covered leaves. "What a day... hmm?" I looked over at Tsukasa, who was just tirelessly staring at me. "I enjoyed it. Thank you Tsu..." I pulled on his arm and made him rest on my chest while my head rested on his, I wrapped my arms around his neck as I slowly closed my eyes. "Let's stay like this forever..." I whispered underneath my breath, as I drifted off to sleep.

The boy beneath me wanted to move, but was too stunned and too much in bliss to even dare move an inch. He wrapped his arms around my torso, giving a light squeeze, as He too drifted off to bed...



























It's been a day since that little- adventure Tsu and I had. And I appear to have caught a cold! But sadly... We had a sports festival for the second and third years! And I was gonna lead class-B To victory!! But- uh... I am sick to even function properly... I slowly- and sniffly made my way to the broadcasting room. Sneezing almost every 5 minutes. I made my way down the steps, and opened the door, before sneezing. "Moornningg..." I shakily waved to Sakura, Mitsuba and Tsukasa. Tsukasa shot up and scooped me in his arms, before putting his hand over my forehead and his eyes shot open, looking down at me with a displeased expression on his face.

"WHAT'S WRONG!!!" He shouts out to me, shaking my shoulders aggressively. "I- uh-" Sakura comes over and gives me a box of tissues, while taking Tsukasa off of me, giving him a stern look. "[Reader]... You're sick, you're not supposed to be here..." Sakura says, sitting next to me, holding my hand firmly. "Must be a cold..." She says tilting her head at me. I shook my head at her, with tired eyes. "I'll be finneeeee, Besides... I'm mostly representing the second years for the sports festival!" I say throwing my arms in the air, with a proud yet faulty smile. "Maybe say you can't? And that you've caught a cold? The teachers will understand..." I immediately made excuse after excuse, trying to look well! I tried standing up, before ending up on the floor, my soul leaving my body.

Mitsuba bursts out laughing, as Sakura immediately springs into action and goes to my side, so does Tsukasa. "I gotta do it.... For.... Yuta..." I say, my eyes half-lidded as I almost feel like I'm on the verge of dying. Sakura leaves my side, and goes over to Mitsuba, and orders him to fetch me water. He sighs, and reluctantly goes off. Tsukasa takes me in his arms and carries me back to the couch, laying down on my back. "I can..........do....it......" Tsukasa looks at my chest, and inspects it. I was shocked for the most part- feeling embarrassed that he's doing- WHATEVER HE IS DOING! I wanted to slap the pervert but every strength in my body says n o. "It's not your physical health..." He tilts his head while a finger rests nicely on his chin. He seemed to have a light bulb moment as he stared at me. "I know what's wrong! After being in a foreign place, and in the supernatural cold! Your Exorcist powers are fighting back the nasty bug trying to taint your heart! Or well... soul..." He says, giving me his cheeky smile.

I looked around, seeming to search for sakura. Noticing her lack of motherly presence, He looked down at me, before- offering a sort of strange proposal...

"You want to continue in the sports festival, right? Let me possess your body, and I'll make sure you win, while your soul heals~!"

Lovesick: [YANDERE!Tsukasa Yugi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now