[31st Chapter: Befriending No.3!]

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"I want friends..."

Mitsuba mutters to himself in a gloomy manner. As Natsuhiko, Sakura, and You stood behind him nervously. 'What am I? Chopped liver?' You thought to yourself. Sakura cups her mouth as she whispers to Natsuhiko and You. "What is with him...?" She quietly whispers. Natsuhiko leans down so only Sakura and You can hear him. "You see.... He's been like that since yesterday..." He says nervously.

Mitsuba was lost in space as he dreamed of "friends". Natsuhiko sneakily brings out the Magazine. "Seems he's been affected by this magazine that was left behind in the school." He said while flipping through some pages.

Sakura and You looked over the Magazine. Seeing a group of three four friends having the time of their life. The pair cringe at the overly happy display, but look over at the scarfed apparition being gloomy in the corner. "But the thing is... since mitsuba-chan is a supernatural, making friends with normal humans would be..." Natsuhiko's voice trailed off. "Problematic?" You Casually said. "Well.." Before Sakura could finish her sentence. Natsuhiko marches on over to the sobbing pink-haired boy.

"Then this is where I, as his senpai, step in to help ... .ehem," Natsuhiko clears his throat, as Y/n and Sakura stare at him with unamused faces. "𝓜𝓲𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓫𝓪-𝓒𝓱𝓪~𝓷" He called out- a little too cheery... and sweet....

He pushes Mitsuba against the back wall, as his right arm jailed him from escaping. "Feeling lonely? If you are... then it's alright... 𝓘𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓷𝓪 𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓝𝓪𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓱𝓲𝓴𝓸 𝓼𝓮𝓷𝓹𝓪𝓲, "𝓝𝓪𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓱𝓲𝓴𝓸," 𝓨'𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀?" He said in an almost flirtatious way... "Natushiko knows that... Mitsuba is a guy... right?" You whispered to the green haired girl beside you.

Sakura just shrugs her shoulders as the two of watched as Mitsuba slides underneath Natsuhiko's arm, and makes his way over to the two girls. Completely ignoring Natsuhiko "Nanamine-Senpai~! Seimei-Senpai~~!!"

The sounds of splashing water echoing around the room for a bit. "Can I ask for something real quick...?" He pleads. Which in return- made the two girls silent. "Could you possibly spread a rumour so I can have friends...?". Sakura looks at You for any thoughts on the proposal, which she only received a slight shrug from the girl.

"So, You want us to spread a rumour so that you can make a lot of friends...?" Sakura inquires. "If only it were that simple... we can't just MAKE people see you... y'know?" You interjected. Which makes Mitsuba sigh. "I'm a supernatural, So... If it's you two, then you can change our rumours right? I can't think of any other way but this..." He choked a sob, as he looked up at us with a pleading and glossy gaze.

He was now on his knees begging to make his dream become a reality. He reminded the pair of a yapping puppy... Which ultimately resulted in the pair wanting to help him. "Before trying to make friends with a rumour... Why don't you try with those closer to you first?" Sakura asked. Which made Mitsuba look at his lap. Almost disappointed by the given advice from Sakura.

"Even if you say "try with those closer to me... These guys are kinda scary..." He says referring to the pink little rabbits. you think for a moment, before being reminded of a familiar loud blonde haired exorcist.

"What about Kou Minamoto? He's about your age, and is quite friendly! Plus he's able to see supernaturals! So why not him?" You happily piped up. Which earned an almost disgusted and infuriated look from the pink-haired boy.

"GUYS WITH LAME PIERCINGS ARE OUT!!" This earned a bit of an annoyed scoff from You. 'Beggars can't be choosers...' You thought to yourself. Sakura soon comes up with an idea... which- in the long run... is a horrible idea...

"Why not try to befriend Tsukasa-Kun?"


"AND! AND!" Mitsuba sobbed into Your chest. "HE TORMENTED ME!! AND TRIED TO STUFF THE FIREWORK DOWN MY THROAT!!" He continued to cry and cling onto the you for comfort. Tsukasa watches, starting to feel a sting of jealousy rise in him.

"Oh my... How horrible..." You said nervously. Your hand stroked his head. His tears staining your school uniform. "Cheer up! Say... How about we be friends?" You said with a cheery smile, as you finger pointed to yourself.

Tsukasa, now wanting to stuff a whole firework show down Mitsuba's throat, waved his arms in the air. "NO FAIR! MITSUBA-KUN! MOVE! IT'S MY TURN TO SNUGGLE WITH Y/N!!!" He says, before Natsuhiko snuck up behind him and headlocked him.

"NO!!" Mitsuba lets out, as he hugs onto You tighter. He soon turns his pink eyes over to you, and softly scoffs at you. "And... sure........why...not..." He lets out- In an almost embarrassed manner.

Sakura also stands beside the two of you, and fixes Mitsuba's hair a bit. "I too can at least go along with the things that you wanted to do with friends." Mitsuba lets go of You, and wipes his tears. "Really...?" The pair nodded.

"Then...." He flips through a few pages, to find a specific panel. He stops at the specific page, and smiles brightly, as he shows the thing he wanted to do. "Friendship pose" Is what the title said... which made Sakura, You and Natsuhiko look in confusion at the "friend thing" Mitsuba wanted to do.

And So....

And So

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