[10th Chapter: Playdate]

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I walked to school, skipping a bit- excited for whatever Tsukasa had planned. "Maybe a game of tag... oh! Maybe hide and seek!" I whisper to myself as I continue the walk, I look down at my hands, the ideas of whatever he had planned going through my head intensely. I soon managed to bump into someone.

"Ah, sorry about tha- Oh! Teru Minamoto!" I looked up at the tall blonde, He smiled kindly down to me. "Sorry for bumping into you, [Reader]. It's great to see you again!" He said kindly to me. "Would you like to walk with me to school?" He asked with such kindness in his eyes, I nodded. I Went beside him and we made our way to school.

After some small talk, we arrived. I looked at my clock and sighed. An hour before class... and nothing to do- I doubt anyone would be in the broadcasting room, and the little card player Mokkes is god knows where!

That's when Teru brought me out of my thoughts. "Hey, if you want- would you like to still talk as you accompany me to the student council room?" He said, that gentle look still on his face. I nodded previously. "Yeah! I don't have anything else to do- so, yes please." I shyly responded. He brightened up, and we proceeded to the student council room.

While walking, I felt heavy eyes on the both of us. An Apparition...? Possibly... But I shook it off, and focused on Teru. "Oh my, that's impressive! And you almost died? That must've been rough..." Teru scratched his neck, his cheeks being coated with a soft red. "And what about you? Any near death experiences during battle before?"

I thought for a moment, before thinking back on the fight in the hell of mirrors. "Actually... I once fought an Apparition that is S-tier... I think even my elder brother would have struggled against him..." Teru raises a brow as we continue to walk through the halls. "Yikes... Well hey, you're beside me right now- so you must've defeated it." I sweated at that comment, and I only averted his gaze by looking elsewhere. That's when I saw the crowds of students whispering and muttering to each other. And I only just noticed the clear path, usually- the morning would've been the busiest. Is it because of Teru and I? Maybe....

"Well?" Teru chimed up. I only stared back at him, his words bringing me back from my thoughts. "Not really... sadly... a tie came out of it. So hey! At least it's better than a loss..." He chuckles softly. And only nodded. The conversation soon ended as we arrived at the Student council room. Teru walked over to the door, and he opened it for me. I smiled at him before entering.

It was simple, a large window overlooking the courtyard, a desk at the left corner, and a few stacked chairs sitting nicely near the window, and the empty walls were covered with bookshelves.

I walked in, observing it closely, that's when I spotted a familiar red-head... He looked over at me, as if he's witnessing a murder. And He looked at Teru, who just closed the door behind him. "Morning Akane." Teru waved at him. I awkwardly got a seat, and sat in it. Obviously not wanting to talk to No.1.

"So uh- [Reader], I was wondering." Teru asks, as he sits on his desk, facing me. "The Summer lights festival is coming up soon, and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me?" I looked at him, staring at him. Is the prince of Kamome Academy... Asking me out...? Tsukasa told me- no, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity... "Maybe...? Currently I have a really tight schedule at the moment... but I'll letchu you know tomorrow!" I give Teru a smile, he lets a disappointed sigh, and just nods back at me. "That's alright! And yeah! Let me know tomorrow if you change your mind." I nod and I exit the Student council room.

During class.. I couldn't help but think back to the little hangout Tsukasa wanted to do after school... I couldn't help but smile widely- which Natsuhiko notices as he peaks over my shoulder. He taps me on the shoulder and passes me a note. I took it and I read it underneath my desk.

Lovesick: [YANDERE!Tsukasa Yugi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now