[19th Chapter: The True Meaning of Fear, PT2]

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[If you hadn't guessed already, since the last chapter- This is the point where shits gonna get really graphic. So TW:This chapter contains heavily detailed violence. Possessive behaviour, and Mentions of Stalking. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED]

I held onto her tightly. Letting my head rest on hers. The sweet scent of blood and pomegranates radiated off of her. How sweet~ I let her head rest on chest, as I made eye-contact with Amane. I smiled brightly at him before gently resting Y/n against the wall.

"AMANE~ AMANE~!!" I leaped from the floor above, and dived right into the arms of my precious twin. He shuddered in fear as I gripped onto him tightly. "T-tsukasa..." He murmured underneath his breath. "I'VE MISSED YOU!!!~" I exclaim, tightening my grip on him even tighter.

Soon, a swift swoop came crashing down on us, and we got knocked over to the wall. I fell on my head, in an upside down position. As Amane was in a defensive stance. "H-here it comes again!" He shouts beside me, as I just stare at the swinging skeleton scar hand things wave in the air. "YOU'RE GETTING IN THE WAY!" Mitsuba shouts, as he held his head, stuffing away the surrounding noises.

I got up back on my feet, and made a 'hup!' Sound. The things came rushing towards me as it tried to hit me with full force. 'If I were a mere human! These would be impossible to dodge! Let alone be alive!' I giggled eternally.

I soon gripped onto both hand things, and gave them a tight squeeze. The things struggled in my grip as I approached my dear client~! "Mitsubaaa" I walked towards him, he stared in pure fear as his eyes watched me closely. "What...? What're those...?" He questions. "What's happening...?" I attempt to place a hand on Mitsuba's shoulder, to- "comfort" him. But he flinches away from my touch.


I soon gave him a reassuring squeeze, as I instructed him on what these "things" are. I give him a few taps on the shoulder as a form of comfort. And he shys away As I pat him on the head. "There we go. Very good" I say, continuing to pat him on the head. Then I hear a bit of scuffling behind me. An Exorcist's staff looming over my left shoulder.

"Hey. Damnit... What'd you do to mitsuba this time?" I only grinned at him as I held Mitsuba's neck. "I granted his wish! The price was his mind... in other words, A part of his soul."

I soon explained the process of creating Mitsuba from old and lowly spirits. And making a vessel to dump Mitsuba's liquid soul in.

The kid soon became furious as he tried to attack me. I took mitsuba, and we both hovered over the infinite and bottomless spiral tower. I soon convinced him to take up the spot of No.3, And well... he agreed. His entire attire transforms into something grotesque and sinister.

"From this moment on, You are No.3!~ of the school's seven mysteries, mitsuba!" I grinned from ear to ear. "Woah... Ah-ha... What is this? That's so cool!" He exclaims excitedly. "This boundary now belongs to you." I said, giving him a toothy smile. I asked him what kind of supernatural he'd like to be, and he thought for a moment, before he asked if he could be a normal human. I said yes. That was before Amane's Haku-joudai swirled around us.

And says that Mitsuba wasn't allowed to be what he wanted to be... and told Mitsuba that he wasn't allowed to be the new No.3... Shame.


Mitsuba later shoved all three of them out of his boundary. And I sighed in disappointment... I soon flew up, and went over to the floor above where everyone was previously. "Tsukasa-kun... what are you doi-" He pauses as he peeps over the railing, he watches carefully as I lift up Y/n. Hoisting her over my shoulder. "Whos.... That...?" Mitsuba questions me. I thought for a moment, before looking over to him.

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