[37th Chapter: Baked Goods!]

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You giggly walked home beneath the moonlight. The streets are ever so quiet. Who knew all of this- would happen! You dating an apparition... and confessing a dark secret you'd never EVER admit to...

Your steps were light, barely making a sound against the pavement. The moon's soft glow illuminated your path, casting shadows that danced with your giddy heart. Each breath felt like a whisper of anticipation, as if the night itself held secrets waiting to be revealed.

The streets around you seemed to hold their breath, surrendering to the stillness of the hour. It was in this hushed atmosphere that you reveled in your love-drunk state. Your cheeks flushed with an intoxicating blend of joy and uncertainty, your laughter escaping like bubbles floating on the breeze.

The moon hung low in the sky, casting a gentle glow over the quiet streets. Shadows stretched and intertwined, creating a dance of darkness and light. The air was still, as if nature itself held its breath in anticipation of what was to come.

Silent houses lined the path, their windows reflecting slivers of moonlight like shards of crystal. Trees stood tall, their branches reaching towards the heavens, swaying ever so slightly in the night breeze. The sound of distant cars faded into the background, allowing for a serene ambiance to envelop the surroundings.

As You walked through this ethereal landscape, your footsteps were muffled by the hush of the night. The world seemed suspended in time, as if it had paused just for you. You couldn't help but smile at the beauty around you, finding solace in the tranquillity that embraced your every step.

As you continued your journey, each step over the stepping stones felt like a deliberate act, a bridge between the ethereal world you had just left and the reality that awaits you at home. The moonlight guided your path, casting an otherworldly glow on the stone pathway.

The air grew colder, sending shivers down your spine as you approached the front door. It loomed before you, imposing and mysterious in the darkness. With a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, you reached out to grasp the doorknob.

Just as your fingers brushed against the cold metal, the door swung open with a creak. In its frame stood Yuta. His eyes held concern and anger, a storm brewing beneath their surface. The dim light from inside spilled onto his face, revealing the lines of worry etched upon it.

"Where have you been?" he demanded in a voice laced with frustration and fear.

The shadows danced across his features, accentuating his stern expression. You could feel his worry radiating off him like waves of heat.

"Hey Yuta..." Your voice trailed off as you eyed your brother up and down.


"I just- Don't... understand... [Reader]. Why?" Yuta said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He had this- "I'm not mad, just disappointed" expression evident on his face. "Sorry..." You mumbled as you nervously sat on the couch hunched down. Your mind clouding with thoughts of him And the other half preoccupied with thoughts of your angry and concerned brother.

"Sorry? SORRY? Haven't you heard the news! A woman caught a glimpse of two rouged high school students earlier! MURDERING 2 people!" He yelled as he stared at you. Those green assertive eyes... really is the stuff of nightmares... something that could rival Tsukasa's devilish voidlike death glare.

"[Reader]... you could've gotten KILLED! I just- don't want to see you hurt... and knowing some- DELINQUENTS! AND MURDERS! Were in the area just-" He sighs heavily before plopping himself down in front of you.

He lowered his head in front of you, it lay ever so low that you can no longer see his face because his bangs mostly crowded his eyesight. He held onto your knees gripping them as you felt faint tears drip down onto your legs. Was he- was he crying?

Lovesick: [YANDERE!Tsukasa Yugi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now