[36th Chapter: Daddy's girl]

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[Okay, all I could say is- this chapter could be considered VERY disturbing. And a daily reminder- this is a YANDERE fic. So- expect a lot of gore in this Chapter- and When I mean disturbing- I MEAN IT! Anyway. ENJOY!! ;D]

The rain had finally ceased, leaving behind a glistening sheen on the school rooftops. Tsukasa and I walked up the stairs hand-in-hand, our footsteps muffled by the dampness. The night sky stretched above us, adorned with twinkling stars that seemed to dance in harmony. The city lights shimmered below, casting an ethereal glow upon the streets.

A gentle breeze swept across the rooftop, carrying with it a hint of freshness that filled our lungs. The air was crisp and cool, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. I twirled my hand in the air to create a breeze to dry off a spot, before plopping myself down, Tsu doing the same action yet him snuggling up close to me. His legs intertwined with mine, and his arms wrapped around me securely.

The surrounding buildings stood tall and silent, their windows reflecting the moon's soft radiance. The distant sound of traffic echoed faintly in the distance, a reminder of the bustling world they had momentarily escaped. From their vantage point, they could see beyond the confines of their everyday lives, embracing a sense of freedom.

We both muttered small stories of our childhoods. Simple and sweet. Some stories of my exorcist missions. He soon retold some tales of him and his brother. And finally told me about this- "Amane" person he'd constantly go on about.

"WHAT! NO.7- I mean... HANAKO IS YOUR TWIN BROTHER??" I screeched as I looked at him. "Mhm!!" He hummed in response. "Why didn't you tell me?" I said with a pout, which earned me a giggle from him, and a quick peck on the nose. "Because you never asked!" He exclaimed.

"Well... true..." He soon nuzzled his head at the croak of my neck as I faced onward to the sky. Laughing at how stupid I was practically. All the unanswered questions I've been yearning to be answered could've been solved if I had properly communicated. Who would've thought...

"Oh! Oh! What do your parents look like?" He suddenly asked, breaking the silence. "My parents? Well... lemme check... I think I got a photo of them in my gallery somewhere..." I said as I reached for my phone that was sitting face down next to me. I untangled myself from Tsukasa and kept on swiping up to get to some photos that I had taken ages ago.

"Here... a family photo of me, my parents, and all my siblings." You showed him a photo of a woman sitting nicely on a chair while wearing a Kimono, and in her arms was a baby, who he assumed was you. And on either side of her was a boy with dark-blueish hair, and green eyes. And the girl next to her was a girl who looked a little older than the boy. She looked like a mixture of the older man and woman in the photo.

I felt my eyes soften as I looked at my Father. Oh how much I miss him...

"Where are they now?" He asked as he continued to stare at the screen.

"Well... funny you say that..." I bit my lower lip as I tried to suppress the growing pain of sadness developing in my chest. Tsukasa laid his head on my lap, as he did. My eyes softened as I smiled gently as I looked down at him.

"My mom... She divorced my dad after an incident concerning one of my siblings... She cut off Yuta and I, so we both have no clue where she is right now... and My dad passed away." I said as I felt my right eye well up with a single tear. Tsukasa notices it as he lifts himself off of me, and in a catlike manner- Licked the stray tear.

My face turned beat-red as he did that, but calmed me down by taking off his hat and placing it on top of my head instead. "You should wear my hat more often~! You look cute with it." He cooed as he pecked me on the lips. I giggled into the kiss as I leaned into it. We both parted and I looked back up to the sky, as Tsu laid his head back onto my lap.

Lovesick: [YANDERE!Tsukasa Yugi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now