🥀[Chapter 6th: Teru Minamoto]🥀

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I ran past students in the halls- feeling slightly odd as it appears... They're all old!! I squinted my eyes at them. This suddenly feels like a nursing home... I felt a shiver looking at the wave of old people. I looked around, running relentlessly in the halls.

This won't do. I quickly dug into my pocket to retrieve my phone and dialed Yuta's number. It rang out for a while as the chaos around me continued. 'Hello? Y/n?' Yuta on the other line said yawning. "Yuta, we got an issue at school," I said as I retrieved my Katana from its case.

I soon explained the problem and he told me to just stay low, but try and resolve the issue as best as I could. Great...

For a while, I kept it low and remained in the depths of the shadows as I followed around who I suspected to be one of the three clock keepers. Great! Just perfect! Why did they all have to start acting up now of all times? From when Yuta and I enrolled, it wasn't like this at all. AND YUTA IS GONE!

There was zero activity from ANY of the seven school wonders. So why are they... And just as I was mindlessly lost in my thoughts, I felt a strong gust of wind whisk past me. I lifted my Katana and was ready to strike whoever was gonna attack me, before...

"TERU!" I say lowering my sword. "[Reader]? What are you..." I soon saw a flash of black behind him which made me promptly push him and me onto the floor. "You alright?" I said as I looked down at him. He just nodded as he and I got up from the floor.

"So, No.1 finally came out of its hidey hole?" I said tilting my head to the side. Teru just nodded as he unsheathed his Katana. "Seems so... Do we assess the situation now? Or wait till things get more intense?" He asks with a cheery smile.

"Hmm.. best to watch for now. Apparitions have a knack for sorting out their issues without the help of us Exorcists. So it's best if we just keep to ourselves." I say as I tap my foot on the ground. I looked out the window, before sighing.

"Do you have anything to do right now? If not, Let's stick together for today." I say scratching my neck. He only snickers a bit before a grin tugged at his lips. "That's fine by me." I only groaned in response. As Teru and I walked side-by-side.

As Teru and I walked side-by-side, the tension in the air was palpable. The school seemed eerily quiet, devoid of its usual lively atmosphere. We cautiously navigated the empty halls, our eyes scanning for any signs of trouble.

As we made our way through the silent corridors, a sense of unease settled over us. It was as if the very air held its breath, anticipating something ominous. We moved with caution, our steps light and deliberate.

Teru glanced at me, his eyes searching for reassurance. I nodded, letting him know that I was just as vigilant as he was. Our swords were drawn, ready to defend ourselves against any threat that may arise.

Suddenly, a faint whisper echoed through the hallway. We froze, listening intently. The sound grew louder and more distinct, revealing itself to be a mournful cry. Without hesitation, we followed the sound, our hearts pounding in anticipation.

We entered a dimly lit classroom, where an apparition stood before us. Its ethereal form flickered in and out of existence, its presence both haunting and captivating.

"A lingerer... Remember when we first encountered one of these guys?" I whispered to Teru. "How could I forget? When you so bravely protected me." He said putting a hand on his cheek as he recalled the faint memory of when we were both small children.


I rolled my eyes as I snapped my fingers. gusts of wind started to pick up around the lingerer. Swirling around it intensely. Non-heavy objects started to circle it as well. Pens papers, erasers, you name it! It's force and extra objects clawing at it.

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