[26th Chapter: Meant To Be Yours.]

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The classroom erupted in chaos as Tsukasa, a ghostly figure wreathed in rage and sadness, unleashed his anguish upon the furniture. Chairs were sent flying through the air, their legs splintering upon impact with the walls. Desks crashed to the ground, their once sturdy frames reduced to shards of wood.

Every violent motion was a reflection of Tsukasa's shattered heart. For three long years, he had harbored a deep affection for Y/n, only to have his feelings met with rejection. The weight of unrequited love pressed upon him, pushing him further into a depressive spiral. Each crash echoed his longing and desperation, as if by destroying the physical world around him, he could somehow rid himself of the pain within. But the more he destroyed, the more hollow he felt.


Tsukasa's screams pierced the air, his voice raw with anguish and frustration. He cursed at the heavens, his words a venomous torrent that lashed out at fate itself. Angry tears streamed down his face, mingling with the dust and debris of the shattered room.


His heartache transformed into a furious storm, unleashing its wrath upon everything in its path. The walls trembled under the force of his rage, as if they too felt the weight of his unrequited love. Tsukasa's fists clenched, knuckles turning white.

"Y/n, why won't you see me? Why won't you acknowledge the love I have for you?!" Tsukasa's voice cracked with anguish as he screamed into the empty void. Tears streamed down his face, mingling with the bitter taste of disappointment.

"I've given you everything, poured my heart and soul into loving you! And what do I get in return? Rejection, over and over again!" His voice trembled with frustration, his words punctuated by sobs that wracked his body.

"You don't understand how much it hurts to see you with someone else, someone who doesn't appreciate you like I do! I would give anything to be the one holding your hand, kissing your lips... But instead, I'm left here, shattered and broken!"He pounded his fists against the walls, the pain in his knuckles a feeble reflection of the ache in his heart. "Damn you for making me feel this way! Damn you for not seeing the love that's right in front of you!"

Tsukasa collapsed to the ground, his cries echoing through the empty room. The weight of unrequited love bore down on him, crushing him beneath its relentless weight. All he could do was weep, tears of heartache and pure frustration staining his cheeks. Sakura, meanwhile, watched in horror at the scene before her. The chaos and destruction engulfed the classroom, a manifestation of Tsukasa's shattered heart. She could feel the intensity of his pain radiating from him, as if it were a tangible force.

But as quickly as Sakura's presence registered in his consciousness, Tsukasa retreated back into his depressive and rageful spiral. His focus narrowed once again on the remnants of his shattered dreams. The world around him blurred into insignificance, reduced to mere background noise.

The weight of unrequited love continued to crush Tsukasa's spirit, fueling his anger and desperation. He couldn't escape the torment that gnawed at his soul. Every crash and scream echoed his longing, a desperate plea for release from the prison of his own emotions.

"They made her believe I was a monster, Y/n," Tsukasa whispered, his voice filled with a mix of realization and bitterness. "All those people who claimed to care about her, they twisted the truth to suit their own agenda. They painted me as some deranged lunatic, when all I ever wanted was to show her my love."

His eyes burned with a fierce intensity as he spoke, the weight of betrayal heavy on his shoulders. "I admit, I may have been too aggressive in expressing my feelings. Maybe I scared her at times, but it was only because I admired her so deeply. I wanted her to see how much she meant to me, even if it meant crossing boundaries." Tsukasa's fists clenched once again, but this time it was not out of anger. It was a mixture of frustration and regret. "If only she knew the truth. If only she saw through their lies and realized that everything I did was out of pure devotion. Maybe then, she would understand that there is no one else who loves her as deeply as I do..."

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