[35th Chapter: Dangerously Yours]

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[ For the lime, it's skippable- So theres a thing where it says when it starts and when it ends. Enjoy! (Ig)]


"You aren't upset with me?" He said with that same smirk and narrowed-eyed expression. "Upset with you...? Of course not!" That's when I kneed him in the stomach which knocked the air out of him, I wrapped his arms around his torso wincing at the pain that developed in his stomach.

"I'm livid! Tsu... how- WHY?! WHY DID YOU-" I covered my mouth as if I was gonna vomit. I felt lightheaded. this- Why. "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I'VE MISSED YOU?" I felt tears ready to burst from my eyes. The overwhelming sensation of dread and sorrow takes over.

"You keep disappearing... over and over again... leaving me to go- scheme- and plan something malicious... AND FOR WHAT!? You say! And do! All these- CRAZY THINGS!" I felt my throat going dry, and my eyes becoming watery as I continued to shout.

He slowly lifted his head, his ambered eyes staring up at me, confusion and shock evident on his face.

"YOU- WHY-" I couldn't say what I wanted to say as I looked behind him, at the two dead bodies of the men he just slaughtered. "These killings... the disappearing students... were they- were they all by you...? I-" I choked a sob as I placed my hand over my mouth. 

"But... I- I want to help you..." I said suddenly, which made him shoot his head back up to stare at me. A smile tugging at his lips. I buried my face into my hands as I groaned. "I don't.... I don't understand it either! gosh, I'm ashamed for even wanting to even help you right now- but, I know... It's just going to get worse for you and I... so." With the snap of my fingers, I summoned Koku-joudai to hover in hand. 

I walked past Tsukasa and towards the two corpses. 

Koku-joudai soon whisked after receiving it's command. The two wisps digging into the trash bins and retrieved me a large piece of broken glass. "[Reader]... What are you..." Tsukasa's voice trailed on as he stared behind himself. 

I soon stabbed my palm and sliced it open. I winced a bit at the stinging pain in my hand. I then curled my sliced hand into a fist to draw out more blood.  it dripped to the floor in an almost rhythmic tune, splatters mixing with rain water.

The sounds of rain and falling blood filling the alleyway. That is before the pool of my own blood swirled into untouched droplets, and formed a sigil on the floor. "A Seimei's true gift." I say with a groan. 

I kneeled down to the sigil, and thrusted my pained hand into the centre. It going through like a pool level puddle. After a bit of searching, I grabbed onto a hand from the other side, and helped out a Supernatural woman. Specifically- one of Yuta's tamed spirits. 

She was abnormally large, standing at about 9 foot tall. She was large and wore a pure white Uchikake, she had strands of loose black hair that peeped through the veil of her Uchikake. Hiding her face, she also wears a Okame mask.

With a heavy breath, I gave it a command. "Dispose... of those corpses quickly for me... and leave no trace of blood here, Mine included." I demanded. She vanished from my sight, before reappearing before the corpses. I looked away in disgust, not wanting to see her in action.

That's when I looked back at Tsukasa. Amusement and excitement evident on "his" face. All my previous conflicting emotions returning to me. I marched right over back to him, and slapped him across the face. "Don't act all happy! I'm still angry with you!" I yelled. 

Lovesick: [YANDERE!Tsukasa Yugi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now