Greek God

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I loved him since the day we first met which is why my heart shattered into a thousand shards when my brother's gorgeous best friend got a girlfriend.

Addison Miller, my BFF since the third grade, and I were drooling over Harry Style's biceps in his newest music video when the headlights from Jake's Toyota Corolla shone into the living room. Within moments, I heard his keys jingling in the doorknob and Matt's deep laughter as they made their way inside.

But there was another sound that accompanied them. An unfamiliar one. A lilting feminine laugh grew closer and the next thing I knew, I was glancing up at a statuesque beauty queen with glowing blonde highlights and bronzed shimmering skin.

"Hey, V. Hey, Addie," Matt greeted us, nodding his head in our direction. With a wide grin on his face, he wrapped his arm around the mysterious female and pulled her in close. "I want you both to meet Kayla. I know. I know. I'm a jerk for not introducing you to her sooner but she's quite special to me and I didn't want to fuck it up. Lord knows I'm already more than capable of doing that on my own."

Biting her lip, Addison's gaze shifted over to me as I pasted on a smile and pretended as though my world hadn't just crashed down in fiery ashes around me.

If only I had known what was to come the day I met him, I would have just stuck my nose back into my book when Jake brought him home and kept him at the arm's distance that one should with any of her twin brother's friends.

But I didn't. And now, it was too late.

The afternoon that Matt first appeared as though he were a mirage because is anyone that capable of looking that handsome, I was bopping along to Taylor Swift while lying out in front of the pool.

I was wearing pimple cream, my retainer, and a Paw Patrol t-shirt that Jake had long since outgrown and was now my favorite "around the house" top because of how soft and worn in it was.

I hadn't heard the gate open and nearly slugged my twin brother when he tapped me on the shoulder. "Geesus, Jake," I shrieked, clutching my chest. "I thought you were an axe murderer."

He chuckled. "Vanessa, don't you think that if I were an axe killer, I wouldn't alert you to my presence? I would just slice that weapon right through your skull before you ever even caught wind of my presence."

"Gross," I replied, making a face. "Do you have to be so graphic?"

I removed the ear buds from my ears only just then noticing that Jake wasn't alone. Well, well, well. Who do we have here?

Beside my brother, towered a dark-haired male donning a leather jacket. Diamond studs that pierced both his ears glittered in the fading rays of the day and I shivered.

Finally remembering his manners, Jake cleared his throat as he pushed his black-rimmed glasses up his nose. "Sis, this is Matt Jones. We met at the library, and wouldn't you know it, but it turns out that his favorite book series is also Game of Thrones? He checked out the last copy of..."

Jake's words faded away as my eye's locked with Matt's. He pierced me with his steely grey gaze and the only bit of information that currently existed in the files of my brain was that this guy was the dreamiest creature that I had ever laid my sights on.

Okay, perhaps that was being slightly dramatic, but not that far off from the truth.

When Jake had finished geeking out over his fantasy novels, I wiped my sweaty palms on my black denim cut-offs and extended one hand out to Matt. "Hi. Pleasure to meet you. My Vanessa is name."

My Brother's Sexy Best Friend (18+)Where stories live. Discover now