I'll Let You Rip Off All My Clothes

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I decided to try alcohol for the first time that night. 

We were up at "the spot" and some broad-shouldered guy with a buzz cut and a tropical flamingo-print shirt handed me a vodka soda before sprinting off to play beer pong.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I asked, facing Addison whose teal sequin halter top shimmered in the moonlight as though it were an aquamarine ocean.

Furrowing her brows, she tipped the fruity mixture towards my lips. "You drink it, obviously."

"What if it's drugged?"

She sighed. "Then I punch him. Relax, V. I'm sure you'll be fine."

Ultimately, my curiosity won out and I allowed a cautious sip. The cocktail was sweet on my tongue and went down fairly easily despite the slight burning in my throat. I took another taste that lasted a bit longer. Not bad. From there, one cup turned into two, two turned into three, and before I knew it, I was drunk.

Feeling as though I were a woman of the world that could kick a door off its hinge, I staggered away from Addison in search of Matt. She'll be fiiiine, I thought as I picked my way through a pile of crumpled cans and empty pizza boxes. Place a jock in front of her, and that would easily occupy her as well as a toddler with a TV screen. As long as they were toned, tanned, and blonde, her lips would eventually find their way to theirs. 

Spying the Greek God of Gorgeousness sitting on a log beside Jake in front of the roaring bonfire, I stumbled over towards them. "Hey! It's Make and Jatt!" I slurred, tripping on a stone that was wedged into the dirt. "Whoa, sorry," I apologized to the ground, throwing my hand out for support.

Their heads were huddled together as they spoke in hushed tones, but Matt instantly looked up as I approached. Brows furrowed, he frowned at me. "How much have you had to drink?" He questioned.

My brain suddenly felt fuzzy, and he blurred until he had a twin of his own. Grabbing at my forehead, I squinted at them. "Can you guys stop spinning for a minute?"

Jake leapt up and took hold of my arm, guiding me to a sitting position on the log. "Shit, Vanessa," he muttered beneath his breath. "How wasted are you?"

"I only had just a drop." I pinched two fingers together to demonstrate the amount I thought I had consumed before instantly erupting into giggles. "Or...or maybe it was a bit hiccup more than that." Hiccup.

Shaking his head, my brother glanced over at Matt. "I'm going to find a bottle of water for her. Can you stay with her?"

Matt nodded as Jake disappeared amongst the crowd. Scooting over, I gave him a coy grin, but his only response was to arch a brow as he locked his steely gaze onto me.

God, he looks so fucking sexy. I raked my sights over his snug black jeans and t-shirt that hugged his fit body. If there weren't an audience of people around, I would fuck him right here. Unless... It could be one hell of a turn on to hook up in the woods with the risk of someone catching us at any moment...

Swirling embers in vibrant hues danced around him as he finally broke his stony expression, a slow smile spreading across his face. "You just can't resist staying out of trouble for one second, can you?"

"No," I murmured. Gazing up at him through lowered lashes, I suddenly found myself not caring who saw us. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was pure-fire attraction, but I tossed my arms around his neck as I pulled him in for a smoldering kiss.

His lips teased mine for the briefest of moments before he broke away, eyes darting wildly around to confirm that we hadn't been caught. "Are you nuts?" He muttered. "Anyone could have seen that, and the gossip could get back to Jake in an instant. Would you like a tongue lashing along with that bottled water delivery of yours?"

My Brother's Sexy Best Friend (18+)Where stories live. Discover now