Something Tells Me, They Weren't Just Racing Boats In The Bathtub

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"What's so funny, you two?" 

Stabbing my fork into a green bean, I proceeded to shove the vegetable into my mouth as I glared at Matt and Vanessa making googly eyes at each other from across the table. My sister wiped at her mouth with the crisp linen napkin to disguise the secret smile she was exchanging with my friend.

She held up her hands. "No need to be hostile, Jakey. You aren't entitled to insert yourself into every joke or conversation."

Our mother cleared her throat, helping herself to a second helping of her meatloaf and cauliflower concoction. She gave the mom warning look, the one that said, "We have a guest, so you better behave yourselves or I'll take you out of this world just as fast as I brought you into it."

Sighing, I shoved back my dinner plate. "Would you like help washing the dishes, mom?" I asked. Even though I refused to glance in my sister's direction, I could still tell from my peripherals that she was rolling her eyes at me. 

If my mom was going to label either of us as the childish sibling, it could be her. With my offer, I had just earned my place as the mature and responsible offspring. My mother nodded. "Yes, Jacob, that would be a great burden off my shoulders. Thank you, sweetheart for volunteering."

Pushing back from the table, I gave Vanessa a smug expression as I cleared her dishes even though she was still picking her way through bits of turkey and stuffing. "I was still eating that, you dingbat," she called after me.

I just shook my head at my mom, feigning disappointment. 

As Thanksgiving dinner began winding down, I headed into the kitchen and started filling the sink with hot soapy water. While waiting, I caught a glimpse of my sister and best friend excusing themselves from the table.

Immediately, I regretted my plot to appear as the angelic son who could do no wrong. That was idiotic of you, Jake. Now look what you've done. I had just handed them, on a silver platter, the window of opportunity to be alone together.

Exhaling once more, I picked up one of the fine china that was gifted to my parents by my grandmother on their wedding day and began scrubbing. While I gazed out the window, conspiring on how I could separate the two before either one of them decided to take advantage of their seclusion with the other, I caught bits and pieces of conversation between Matt's dad and my parents.

At first, it was all topics that made my eyes gloss over such as politics and how cold it has been recently but after a brief lull of silence, Matt's father said something that instantly put me on alert.

"I genuinely want to thank you both for inviting me and my son into your home this evening." He paused to take a leisurely sip of dark brew as he leaned back in his chair and patted his stomach. "The meal was excellent."

"It was our pleasure," my mother responded, clanging her spoon against her mug to rid it of any lingering coffee droplets.

"Holidays...have been tough since the...accident," he continued. "I try as best as I can to still bring some of that festive magic to the season, so Matt doesn't feel as though he's missing out but..." He shrugged.

I glanced over to see my mom gently patting his hand, a deep line furrowing between her brows. "I understand, Tim. Matt's welcome here anytime. Jake has really taken an immense liking to him." She laughed and I immediately knew that she was conjuring up the conversation about me needing to take a break from him.

Whatever. She just admitted that he can come here anytime he wants. I won't let her forget that if she tries to pull that crap again. She said it. I heard her.

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